View Full Version : Head Rushes and pressure in face...Citralopram..??

Thunderbird 4
28-04-09, 11:04
New to forum, so here goes.

Been suffering with (when I get anxious) headrushes, and a feeling as if all my sinuses are full (as if your head is about to go pop..!!). Can go on for hours, or just a few moments.

Doc doesn't seem to be worried about these, and puts it down to 'Tension Headaches.' My BP goes up and down (especially spikes in the docs surgery - white coat syndrome 140/95) not massively so does not seem to be the culprit of the horrible head feelings.

However, been put on Citrolopram about 6 weeks ago, and the symptoms have increased and seem to coincide with this feeling....anyone else find they suffer from this. Its driving me mad, and makes me even more anxious, thus feeding the fire even more..!!

I have also been told that the pressure feeling could be tension related, from the shoulders and neck area, which tends to link to the headaches when I am out in the car.

Take care.

03-05-09, 10:03
Hi, i'm new on here too, finding it very helpful. I havent experienced what you are having but have only been on the citalopram for 3 days, i started day one with 20mg then decided to cut my tablet in half for the next 2 days, wot dosage are you on?
I have got a very bad headache with them and nausea and feel tired, didnt have great night last night. You do really well to get out and drive so i think you're doing very well, i'm sure the feeling of pressure will subside as time goes on, have you tried to listen to a relaxing cd and do some deep breathing exercises, they do help i'm sure. anyway take care x

03-05-09, 21:12
Hi Ive been on citalopram for over a yr now im on 60mg a day.i still suffer from tiredness,bad dreams and headaches from time to time. I also get pin and needles in my head. But apart from tha they have been good for me. I do still get bilps from time to time but i do my breathing exercises and that calms me down. Meds wont take the feeling u have away completly u have to try and control them yourself,which i found out myself.hope all goes well xxx