View Full Version : Just starting Out Again

28-04-09, 11:29
Hi All

Well I am back in Citalopram just to help me with a small blip where my anxiety and (Minor) PAs have come back.

Currently on day four at 10 mg (rising to 20 mg next week).


Day 1 Saturday: just slightly spaced out - bad stomach
Day 2 Sunday: bad stomach bad headache
Day 3:Monday: Not too bad - managed work all day but ended up with a headache at night just as I was going to bed seemed to get really hot
Day 4: Feeling a bit shaky, a bad stomach AND I seem to be getting really hot patches on my body (a bit like the hot flushes I got when I had fertility treatment).

I can't remember these side effects before but at the moment my partner works away so I think I am more nervous as I am on my own.

Take care


28-04-09, 21:00
Hi Allye,all your symptoms are normal and will eventually go. I also felt more anxious when i was on my own.Hope your side effects dont last long and you feel better soon . Sue:hugs:

28-04-09, 21:20
Hi Allye I felt anxious while on my own too it is normal to feel this way, the meds should kick in soon. It is also my second time on them! x

28-04-09, 21:42
Welcome back to the citalopram bandwagon :D

Don't fret, you've been able to come off it before, you will get to that stage again :)

28-04-09, 22:20
LOL ty all - have managed to get into work so far - I am actually better at work (did I say that?) - when I am sitting here on my own I tend to analyse all the little aches & pains.

At the moment I am getting lots of hot flushes - am trying not to watch the TV.

My partner is back at the w/e so am just keeping going - its only four sleeps.

Problem is this week was probably not the best week to start but I was desperate. I have an exam tomorrow night and am meant to be doing a half marathon walk for charity at the w/e.

Take care all and thanks for posts


28-04-09, 23:00
You sound like you are keeping yourself pretty busy and that is a good thing but dont forget to have a good rest too xxx

28-04-09, 23:55
Sounds like youre having the royal flush of side effects this time around -- push through it, they'll disappear one day :)

29-04-09, 10:26
ty Psycho I am battling on-am reading your survival guide and diary - plus have connected to the World Community Grid - thanks for that

Take Care

29-04-09, 12:10
Well good morning - am at work but feeling a bit spaced out. I have a terribly tense jaw and keep grinding my teeth then having to stop myself.

And boy am i yawning inbetween the jaw tensing. Can't stop - I yawned so much walking across the car park that someone walking by laughed at me and told me I should go to bed earlier!!! How embarrassing.

Take care

PS No anxiety as such - more like PMT from HELL