View Full Version : It's working - good news!

Marc EH
28-04-09, 12:53

Just wanted to post some good news! After nearly 4 weeks on 10mg, it's finally working! I'm feeling much better and the symptoms have nearly gone away which is such a great feeling! I'm not having health anxiety, I know I haven't got a brain tumor or cancer and it does feel great!!

I've got to take it easy and still 1 day at a time but all is feeling much better - long may it continue!! :D

Marc xxx

Lion King
28-04-09, 13:01
Well done, keep it going! Remember your good days for when you have a bad one, it helps me,it aids recovery much quicker! I am 6 weeks on the cit and finally I am seeing a glimmer of light so I am glad to say there is hope for anyone taking this medication.

Take care buddy

Lion King

28-04-09, 13:07
So pleased for you - Citalopram really worked well for me last time - have just started up again!

28-04-09, 13:24
It's great to have some positive feedback. I am at the start on my 4th week, just increased the dose to 20 mg for the past nine days so don't think it has taken full effect yet but definitely having more good days than bad! Looking forward to not thinking I have got some incurable disease too! Well done Marc!

28-04-09, 13:27
So pleased to hear you are feeling better Marc


28-04-09, 15:23
Good News, Marc!
I too am finding citalopram is really helping. Its a good feeling isnt it.
I hope you continue to feel better. I am finding the good days are getting more and the bad days less.
I am really pleased that its working for you!

28-04-09, 16:13
Great news well done!

Hereford Al
28-04-09, 17:17
Working for me too. Just over 5 weeks on 20mg. First 2.5 weeks were a bit mental, but since then I have been pretty damn good.

Although I still sleep far far too much and am an eating machine at the moment. No matter though :-)

28-04-09, 19:16
Yay Marc

Am pleased they are kicking in hun, I am great on this med, dont remember when i felt this chilled and happy

looking forward to many more happy days...


28-04-09, 20:26
Thats good news Marc,well done for sticking with it.Hope you continue to feel better. Sue:hugs:

28-04-09, 21:25
Now then Marcus me old sea salt!

I'm so glad things are going well for you. You're just starting on the "citalopram adventure", things will continue to improve for you the longer you feel happy. I'm a couple of weeks further along than you and I can report that things do get even better as long as you believe in it! :D

Another victory for the NMP gang! :D:D:D

28-04-09, 23:13
Well done Marc thats great to hear x