View Full Version : worried, help me understand what i'm feeling. HELP ME PLEASE

28-04-09, 14:44
am I diabetic? The past 3 days Ive been waking up with a sweet/sour taste in my mouth...and like today i was sitting and watching TV and started getting this weak feeling in my chest like hunger or acid or a weak heart rate, idk what it was...then i felt hungry and weak...ate some food, took in some sugar and the weakness kinda went away but then i felt sleepy...

right now im still feeling woozy, on edge, kinda weak and sleepy..

the day before yesterday i was also feeling that way and just went ahead and took some sugar cuz i thought it might be low blood sugar?

i have been extremely anxious on and off since February, i have some changes pending in my life...college in JUne, going away from home..

it was so bad before my period began April 18, i had two panic attacks and one attack of what im sure was hypoglycemia/low blood sugar

im just worried whats going on with me? am I ill? is this all anxiety..i even had some tests back in March and the urine test showed no sugar or anything else wrong

i dont know help me guys i feel so out of control, what if i have a weak heart or idk low bp...idk back in march the doc took my heart rate and it was 80bpm and BP was 110/90

HELP ME. :weep:

28-04-09, 14:57
You can have a blood test at most chemists for free its very quick and painless. It could be your period thats making you feel weak I normally do and I have some fizzy pop and it usually sorts it same for my daughter but she's worse than me and usually faints before her periods due.

28-04-09, 15:46
my period is over, it started the 18th and ended on the 24th :(

28-04-09, 20:34
Hi Yanks,
It doesn't sound like Diabetes.. If you had that you would have a high blood sugar which would get higher and higher as you were left untreated so you wouldn't go hypo glycemic (low blood sugar)..

I often feel like this because I eat really badly. I eat lots of sugary stuff so that my blood sugar goes up quickly and then down quickly so i feel woozy.. i also feel wobbley when i have my period also. Its best to have complex carbs to keep your blood sugar stable..

I wont list the symptoms of diabetes as I dont wanna worry anyone, but it doesn't sound like what your experienicng at all, but if you are still worried then go to your GP's for some blood tests. xx

29-04-09, 00:38
thanks starlight...i think ur right...it tends to happen at around 4-6pm . i rarely have big lunches, usually big breakfasts...i think im overestimating what i've eaten.i need to eat more..plus its hot here and i sweat a lot... also i eat very little sugary stuff but im anxius a lot...maybe my body actually needs more sugar hmmm...

u have really put my mind at rest.

29-04-09, 16:04
If its any consolation Ive felt the same.. I also thought it was hypoglycemia, I even got my blood testing kit!

I get woozy too, around my period Im a mess, nausea, weakness, feeling faint etc.. been checked for allsorts and apparently Im fine.

I wonder if Im not eating right, not enough fruit and veg or something.. I eat enough carbs though.. I dunno!

I hope you feel better soon xx.

30-04-09, 17:27
Nikknik I think our anxiety causes some of these symptoms too...

Yesterday I was feeling weak again...I was pretty hungry at the time, even tho I had taken some sugary stuff 2 hours earlier, but it was wayy past dinner time.. i got a few head rushes and felt weird when i sat down, like head kinda spun but not dizzy? my uncle is a doc and i was at his place and he thought it might be low BP and told me to take a pinch of salt, wah lah! The head rush thing went away. I felt sleepy afterwards but I usually get that way after a low BP episode.