View Full Version : I just want to say a big thank you and...

28-04-09, 17:02
HI all, i just wanted to say a massive thank you to all those of you who helped me with my breast lump. I really couldnt have got through it with out you all. It was great to talk to you guys as i dont really have anyone here that understands.

I was determined after my lump scare not to worry about my health as much as i went through hell and back, unfortuantely since friday i have been on a constant low and i really dont know why i should be jumping for joy but i cant get happy, for some crazy reason i keep taking my pulse and have noticed that for some reason every now and then my heart beat is irregular, i have also developed the scariest feeling today. I get a really nervous feeling running through my body then its like i struggle to breath & my chest goes heavy. This has happened about 20 times today & im so scared. I thought i would come on here in stead of googling. i really dont want to worry but now everything is scaring me :weep: why arnt i happy?xx

28-04-09, 17:23
hi tash, sorry your still feeling rubbish its prob all the anxiety built up over the lump hopefully it will dissapear very soon

28-04-09, 17:32
would you sau the butterfly feeling / feeling oin being on a rollercoaster in my heart area is anxiety related? obviusly right now im thinking it might be a heart attack lol

28-04-09, 18:18
Tash - totally anxiety related. You've been through a rough time recently.... and when the body comes out of fight or flight mode... it starts to let go and you can experience stress related symptoms - whilst during your breast issues you were probably truly scared but had no other symptoms....

It's just anxiety love - honestly! And it's not surprising. You're WAY too young for a heart attack.... xxx