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28-04-09, 17:49

hope everyone ok

im due to go back to work on saturday after 3 weeks at home!!!!
week one.. head ache from hell,:wacko: for one whole week brain tumour

week two..... head ache eased then miss efficient took over how will i get everything in my life done,everything came in on top of me felt like i was drowning and i would never cope!!!

week three... just shut down dont care,cant be botherd,what ever!!!!

how can you go through so many things...

back to work saturday dont know what to do for the best...everytime i go back..... im there one or two weeks and off again

fell like im on a rollercoaster,.

does any one else go up and down high/ low anxiety feel like whats the point!!!

try and talk to people but cant tell them whats really goin on im my head,:scared15:
cant get used to the highs and lows

be glad of any advise
sorry to go on just need to get it off my chest

love skyxx:winks:

28-04-09, 18:00
Sky. I suffer from anxiety, depression and boy does it go small hi and low lows. I never know what triggers it. Taken all sorts of things to try and help. I don't seem as bad as you but can sympathise with the feelings. Not gonna be much help but just to let you know your not alone. I think its good to get it off your chest so keep on and good luck

28-04-09, 18:44
Hi Sky,

Firstly well done on having a job at all.. Ive not worked for 5 years now and I dont know how I'll ever get a job again, I cant imagine ever being out of this hell.. the longer it goes on the worse I feel, and while my fiance things Im ok, I myself would strongly disagree, but to admit that to him will make matters worse between us.. so Im left feeling lonely and desparing.
I feel like you, up and down.. Im more down than up though tbh. I feel its a step forward one day, then back the next.. steps forward for a whole week and then a set back knocks me right back down again and Im back to step one (sometimes I get knocked so far back that Im not even at step one!)

I wish I had the answers.

28-04-09, 20:54
hi guys

thanks for your posts,glad im not the only one going up and down.

sometimes its hard to know whats normal any more,have i got depression or anxiety or is this real and everyone is like this....

would love to just feel how someone else does just for one day to see if there is a difference,or we are all in the same boat....

i guess thats something ill never no...be nice though

love to all


28-04-09, 23:05
I know about the highs and lows and it can be very discouraging. Sometimes when I have a setback I feel like a fraud. Like all the "progress" I thought I had been making was fake somehow and then I doubt even I was even doing better! It can get really hard. I think the important thing is you can realize it is a low and you'll be better-don't give up because there is always hope. I think it is so great you have a job- that is great!
It is a relief to talk about these things here at NMP - it actually helps me alot just realizing there are others like me
Take Care