View Full Version : A bit of encouragement needed!!!

28-04-09, 20:02
Hi everyone

I feel a bit self indulgent but I could really do with some positive words of encouragement as im doing some particulalry difficult things this week.

On thursday (eek!!!) I have an exam to do with learning support and my stomach is constantly doing back flips.

But probably even scarier to me is that im starting some volunteer work on Friday at an arts and craft group for people with learning difficulties. Rationally I think I will be ok but emotionally I just want to burst into tears everytime I think about it as im sooooooo scared!!!! Then obviously because I have depression as well as anxiety I then tend to attack myself for getting into such a state over things that previously didnt bother me.

So any advice, hugs or motivational speeches would be really welcomed to make the next few days a bit easier.

Much love

28-04-09, 20:13
Hi Emma.
You've already done the hardest bit - deciding to volunteer. I did that some time ago and I know how you feel. The first time I went I kept feeling like I was going to faint and I thought everyone knew it. The second time, the staff member told me they were glad I'd gone back as I'd really been a help. You can do it! Don't give yourself a hard time. Even if you only go once for an hour, you will provide a fresh face and new stimulation. Give yourself praise for your good intentions.
Good luck with the exam!

28-04-09, 23:12
Hello Emma
Volunteer work ?!?! That is FANTASTIC !! That is amazing that you have decided to do this- it' great. Ultimately that is one of my goals - to volunteer at our Animal Welfare Shelter.
You do have a challenging week coming but it sounds like you're facing your fears in a healthy way.
Anyone having an exam would be anxious so don't be too hard on yourself. It is intimidating starting something new and volunteer work is new.
You're doing great- my GAD is raging right now and I can barely function.
I wish you all the support you need and I am sending big hugs to give you strength.
Take Care

30-04-09, 19:37
Hey Maddie and Bluebelle thanks for your nice messages. Yay I survived my exam but I do feel a bit depressed after it all im not sure why precisely. Anyway just got the volunteering to conquer now (and all the other tasks that encompass daily life :) ) But im going to have a go at trying not to beat myself up over stuff.


30-04-09, 22:24
Hi Emma

Well you conquered the exam, well done, now you just gotta get out there and conquer the volunteer work and I have no doubt you will do just fine.

Be proud of yourself you are doing well.

Carol x

01-05-09, 00:23
Well done with the exam! You probably feel down because you no longer have the adrenaline buzz you had before the exam.

Good luck volunteering! :)

01-05-09, 01:02
Way to go artyemma:bighug1:

Not only have you passed an exam, you've plucked up the courage to volunteer.

You rock girly:yesyes: