View Full Version : Do kalms work for anxiety?

28-04-09, 20:14
Hi all,

I'm new here - got bad anxiety due to my phobia which unfortunatly happened 3 weeks ago - i vomitted :weep: now i can't control my anxiety so i decided to opt for kalms in order to calm my self down as im aware this is why i feel sick all the time - stupid mind in over drive, i cant help it though.

Thank you
Ps first post so sorry if its no good


28-04-09, 20:33
hiya and:welcome: , i have tried kalms but i didnt find that they worked for me everyone is different,
my partner and i have both started taking st jons wort in the past couple of months and we are both alot better,

if your kalms dont work i would recommend the st jons wort x:yesyes:

28-04-09, 20:41
Kalms helped me a bit for mild anxiety, but not much for tha really bad days.. St Johns Wort is great as Patmac says but you have to be careful if your on birth control pill as it can interact.. Exercise (ie; leaping about to music in the front room) helped me more than anything xx

28-04-09, 21:00
Oh right what are those St Johns? Never heard of them, my mum got me kalms because she was fed up of me saying i feel sick lol well i was fed up of feeling sick. Is anxiety normal after an event like this? i used to be able to cope well never hardly felt sick but now i feel sick daily especially after food probably my stupid head again....wish it would let me be asi hate feeling the way i do.

29-04-09, 22:24
Kalms contain valerian which is a depressant, so if you're at all prone to depression...don't! I was told that ages ago by a GP.