View Full Version : Trapped wind or something more serious?

29-04-09, 09:07
I've had trapped wind for about 2 months now and am starting to get worried that it's something more sinister, I'm driving myself round the bend.

Please help :-(

29-04-09, 12:26
Have you heard of IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome? It's benign and that's one of the symptoms. Upset/gurgling/rumbling stomach is also an anxiety symptom.

29-04-09, 16:22
I've been looking on the net and it could be a symptom of something far worse too. Isn't 2 months a long time to have a symptom without it clearing up? I've had medicine fro my GP and over-the-counter tablets, neither of which has done much good. I'm now trying peppermint tea, but I'm not sure that I'm not prolonging it by worrying about it and getting anxious that it could be something worse.

29-04-09, 16:53
I have had trapped wind/pain in my bowel on and off since last October, it occurs usually after meals and is a sharp stabbing pain that lasts for a second and then I can feel the wind move along. I am waiting for an appointment for a colonoscopy just to check there isn't anything wrong, but I am not unduly concerned. I too get a bit jittery about it at times and think it has gone on long enough but I guess it wil disappear eventually.