View Full Version : Not sure what's wrong

29-04-09, 12:20
Just over a year ago I would always be worried about going to school or going out with friends because I would worry about getting ill or being sick. I would worry about the slightest thing. But eventually it did pass after about 8 months.
Over Easter I went to new York and it was my first time on a plane, flying is something I have always dreaded doing. I didn't enjoy it and won't be doing it again anytime soon lol. But I had never been so nervous in my life. I started back to school last Monday. I'm in year 11 soon to be taking my exams. I was nervous about starting back after the 2 weeks off but I was ok. This week has been a different story though. Monday I felt fine but all day yesterday I felt physically sick. But I wasn't. I would keep going hot as well. I didn't eat lunch because I felt I couldn't stomach it. Now today I felt exactly the same and couldn't face it anymore I had to come home, my mum wasn't best pleased as she says I miss too much time off.
I just seem to be feeling suck loads recently and I don't know why, my stomach is always making odd noises too but I put that down to my nerves, I'm also very tired a lot if the time. My period is due in about 4 days but I'm worrying about that also. I doubt I'm pregnant as I haven't had sexual intercourse but have had forms of sexual activity about 2 weeks ago but doubt pregnancy would be possible. I took a test this morning to put my mind at rest it come back negative but it's still on my mind, but I doubt I can be pregnant?
Do you think it sounds like my anxiety is back or do you think there's something else?

29-04-09, 12:47
my daughter had this recently hun, it was like a bug but nothing came from it, she wasn't sick, she just felt it, give it another day or two and see how you feel, you're stomach may be rumbling due to the fact that you may be slightly hungry, you say you missed out on lunch yesterday, did you eat later on in the day?

best wishes

di xx

29-04-09, 12:49
Just noticed you've just joined.

Welcome to nmp hun, lovely to have you on board

di xx

29-04-09, 12:55
Thank you :)

Umm yeah I did eat later on yesterday and this morning.
Ok I'll see how it goes :) really hoping it is just a bug and will pass. Thanks for the help

X x

29-04-09, 12:56
Let us know how you get on hun, do a little post on the introduction forum to introduce yourself hun so everyone can welcome you xxx