View Full Version : Have I given this long enough?

29-04-09, 13:37
I suffer from anxiety & depression, I am seeing a consultant and having CBT. I have been on Sertraline for 8 weeks gradually going up from 50mg to 150 as of 2 days ago. I found that my depression has improved a bit, but the anxiety has stayed with me ( I know it goes up when I increase meds) but the other problem is that a so called well-meaning doctor put me on Lorazepam 1mg a day, and of course after 4 months my body relied on it, so the consultant is weaning me off it very slowly. I really wonder if the Sertraline is the right one for me - I tried cipralex & citralopram and mirtazipine, but they all seemed either very bad in s/e's or didn't help.
This is my second bout of anxiety & depression in 9 years, it all seemed to start with the menopause - which I am well past, now,59, I never felt like this in my life before that. Cipralex worked really well the first time, but am beginning to wonder what on earth he can give me now - or have I just to give it longer? I do hope someone replies - despite all the help I feel desperately alone.

29-04-09, 14:04
Hi, please don't feel alone. There are loads of folks that are with you and understand your plight. Thankfully, most people don't and never will as the symptoms of anxiety and depression are hard to comprehend unless you experience them first hand. With meds it is a lottery. Sertraline (as you know I bet) is out of the SSRI stable like Prozac. They work for some and can change people's lives however for others it is hard to know when to stop. I just ditched Prozac after 3 weeks as the sickness and agitation was beyond my tolerance to cope. My docs thought that the SSRI would be the best for me given my pre-disposition to migraine, anxiety and lethargy (they missed the fact that my stomach is like that of a butterfly!). This morning she admitted that SSRI's are not for me. I am back to an old favourite that worked for quite a while called Clomipramine. Its the older type of drug but for some it works. The thing is GP's often do not spend enough time assessing you and the potential drug match and as such it can take a while or not even work. They all mean well! Take care and keep using the site as a place for therapy.

29-04-09, 15:32
Thanks for your kind words, strangely I was wondering if a tricyclic may work better for me, just this morning.....am at work and have just made tea for all as I needed to move about a bit. Twitch twitch!
People don't understand - but have been truthful with work & it is amazing how many people suffer with anx & depression and until you own up they tell you their story! Am lucky to have some lovely collegues here- I hope I'll be able to feel like having a giggle with them soon.
You cheered me,