20-08-05, 07:10
<center>I didicate this poem to all the wonderful people that spend the time help others, even though they have problems of there own, their are truly angels here on earth.


Through life we soar, like birds unbound
From tree to tree, the whole world round
On the winds of life, do we all glide
Till a day a tree, with did I collide
Falling fast, with a broken wing
To the air I tried, desperately to cling
That’s when I saw her, an angel you see
She was flying fast, strait to me
She held out her hand, and cradled my fall
In her clutches I felt, no more then a doll
For days she held me, in her comforting embrace
Each time that I looked, a smile on her face
My wing had been mended, and I was well
With a kiss on my head, she bid me farewell
I flapped and I flew, to the branch of a tree
I heard from her voice, be careful and be free
A dark storm blowing, and far up in the sky
I could see a brother bird, trying to fly
I jumped off of my branch, and took to the air
The look on his face, so full of despair
I held out my hand, and I cradled his fall
Then looked at myself, in wonder and awe
An angel I am, she did this for me
So I tended his wounds, be careful be free

And to two angels SUE WITH 5, and TRAC, you are my angels, and I will love you both till the day I die, you have no idea where you brought me from, and you will always be angels to me.</center>

20-08-05, 10:08
That is a beautiful poem, and your words at the end really touched me and brought a tear to my eye, thankyou.
Your a good person hun, dont ever forget that and you know where i am when ever you need a chat.
Trac xx

its "just a thought"

20-08-05, 11:39
What a beautiful moving poem Ed

I am so pleased that you're getting some help and support as a result of being here...

Yes, both those ladies are exceptionally special and we are all very proud and supportive of everything they do here for others, especially as everyone on here also have their own issues to deal with.

Thank you.

Meg x

20-08-05, 12:09
everyone here is specail, its just that they were the first i met and i was in a bad wat when i got here, they took me aside to a private chat and talk to me, they have become very very good freinds tio me, and my own lil angels, last night i felt what it was like to try and help someone, i paniced and started to cry, a month before coming here i was in the rape recovery forum, i entered the chatroom and tryed to come in to the room with a funny remark, well i didnt no there had been a serious conversation going on, and a girl in destress that everyone was trying to talk to got upset and simply said weel i think ill just go and kill myself, then logged off, i was shattered, i felt so bad, everyone tryed to tell me i didnt do anything wrong but i felt as if i did, i stayed away from chats for a month before finding you here, and im glad i did, everyone here is so wonderful and nice, and i love you all.

20-08-05, 13:12
Hi Ed

Very nice poem . :)


**To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.**

20-08-05, 13:22
Hi Ed

What a lovely touching poem, thank you

Luv Barb x

20-08-05, 14:44
What a beautiful poem :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

20-08-05, 19:04
That's lovely Ed.

Thanks for sharing that.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X

20-08-05, 20:37
Very moving. Thanks for sharing Ed.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

20-08-05, 21:10
What a lovely moving poem Ed.

Thank you for sharing.



20-08-05, 22:24
Every time I read something you have written I think the same thing ... what a kind and caring heart you have to have to write something that beautiful. You have a wonderful gift.

20-08-05, 22:33
thank you all, i posted this on all thje sights i am a regualr at or have been, i have recieved 31 responces since 3am my time thats 12 hours, thank you so much but the real thanks should go tot he womderful poeple who spend there time to make other people feel welcome and deal with there problems, i was amazed last night when sue with 5 came into the chatroom and help to calm down 3 people that were having a hard day, all of thejm left feeling better, she ios the one with the gift, with 5 kids, work and problems of her own not to mention, she finds time to help others, i watched and was awe struck, all of the peiople here that help to keep this forum running, you are the truely gifted ones, all i do is put words on paper, i could never comfort as you do, i say bravo, NO I MEAN IT BRAVO!!!!!!

18-11-05, 11:08
sure is a lovely poem [^]

PTSD sufferer 2 yrs