View Full Version : comfort eating

20-08-05, 07:26
Hi everyone, just have a small question, Does anyone here find that they comfort eat?

I used to be a size 8-10, god those were the days ehlol, but now am a 14 :(. I have had 3 children and both pregnancies I put on loads of weight,I even gained a bum!lol. I was starting to loose weight for a while, not much but some. Now I feel my weight gain is just getting rediculos, I am too scared to go on the scales but now I'm gaining more as the the one pair of jeans that used to be comfortable are now cutting me in half:(.

I don't know why I do it but eat and eat and eat. I am constantly making myself food or just eating the kids crips and chocolate. I don't suppose it's helped that I stopped smoking a couple of months ago now, which then makes me think should I go back onto the fags before this gets totally out of control?. I have tried brushing my teeth after every meal, apernetly thats ment to deter you from eating, well not me,lol! I have even tried just drinking water as that is ment to bloat you but that doesn't work.

As most of you know I LOVE my curry, I want to stop eating things like that but feel that I can't as daft as that sounds, I just don't find things that are good for me appealing anymore, I used to eat alot of salads and things because I liked them, but not now for some reason! I just seem to crave everthing that is totally fattening and bad for you. It's like being pregnant all over again, I feel I have to have these things, It's not even like I am hungry. Most of the time I eat till I'm bloated and feel queesy!

I just want to know if anyone else has this problem? How do you deal with it? Have you even managed to control it?

I know I'm not most peeps favourite person at the moment but please if you know what this is like a reply would be very much appreciated.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

20-08-05, 08:53
Hi Claire,

I can sympathise with you 100% as I will also just sit and eat until I feel sick.

When I was on holiday last week with loads of new things to do, I hardly ate anything at all. I think, with me, it is all linked to how anxious/depressed I'm feeling. This week I have been feeling extremely low, haven't felt like there is anything to get out of bed for. I'm feeling bored, unmotivated and can't be bothered with anything. So, I've been eating loads and all unhealthy, high sugar stuff.

I know you have three young children and they will keep you very busy, but are you actually bored at the moment? I know myself that housework and the like is just soooooo boring and my days seem to be filled with nothing but.

I have managed to curb the eating at times, and after a day or 2 of healthier eating, the cravings do seem to subside. But after a few weeks I will be feeling low again and will slip back into eating all the rubbish again.

Sorry I haven't been able to be of more help, Claire, but just thought that I would let you know that I too have the same problem.

Love Kate x

20-08-05, 10:42
I'm exactly the same Claire. I have gained 2 stone since suffering from anxiety. My old clothes don't fit me and I feel so depressed about it. It seems that no matter how hard I try I always give in to the biscuits, chocolate, etc and I tend to eat till I feel sick. I think that keeping busy helps. I find that if I'm sitting around the house doing nothing, I tend to eat even more.

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

20-08-05, 11:09
I too comfort eat and have put on half a stone due to it. I'm not worried about the weight as I'm not overweight for my height yet but I am worried about what eating crap (cake, chocolate etc) is doing to my body. I had heart tests last october which were fine but I worry that eating crap has now damaged my heart. Anyway I'm going back to my healthier eating with just occasional treats.
I know how you feel Claire, you're not alone in this issue. Last year I saw a nutritionist and she made me cut out so many things especially cakes, chocolate etc. After a while I didn't even want these things or if I wanted chocolate I only ate one square instead of the whole bar.
Take care,

20-08-05, 11:22
Many medications do slow your metabolism down which adds to this issue.

Often when we're unhappy and have unresolved issues it either fuels our hunger cravings or other lose far too much weight.
If we're unmotivated junk food appeals to our sense of taste more as it tends to be spicier and overal more tasty.

When we're anxious we also have a bigger need to keep our blood sugar high so as to ward off anxiety waves and that can end up in a fluctuating pattern of eating.

It may be easier to put all of you on a health kick and not have crisps etc in the house at all.

The GI diet keeps you eating lots but of a kind that takes longer to burn into energy .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-08-05, 13:02
Hi Claire

Lol - the crisp thing used to a major problem for me, I've always loved them and would think nothing of ploughing my way through a tube of pringles licking off all the salt along the way watching a good film.

However I'm thankful to say I've cured this particular habit. Last year I got into 'You are what you eat' got the book etc and went totally mad. I have to say within a couple of weeks my cravings had calmed right down. I loved the fact I could still eat loads of food (even if I'd never heard of half of it).

I did find her book not that easy though with teenagers in the house but it got me started on the right ways (Kate you dare say what I had for tea last night and I'll tell them how many minstrels you've had lol).

So to cut a long story short in the last year or so I've altered our eating habits on a basis of 80% good 20% crap. I only buy crisps in very occasionally now, never on my weekly shop list (and have kettle chips mainly). When we have pizza we have half what we used to and the other half is made up of a massive salad (if you get some low fat dressings eg; olive oil balsamic vinegar one it will give the salad more oomph).

The biggest change has to be just how much fresh stuff we eat which has done wonders for my skin (glowing like a peach now - and nearly as furry)!!!

Try making just small changes at first - it's worth doing as you feel so much better both physically and mentally. If I pig out now I really don't like how I feel so don't do it too often.

Love Piglet:)

20-08-05, 14:34
Nothing wrong with a salad, Piglet! ;)

Love Kate x