View Full Version : Cant swallow and panicing

29-04-09, 16:57
Hi all. I started having this problem around 6 years ago and now its running/ruining my life. I suffer from big time panicing and the feeling i cant swallow all day long. I have one or 2 'comfort zones' eg home and work but even a trip to the shops is like a trauma for me. I will literally walk into a shop and start panicing that i cant swallow. Its the same if im in a traffic jam i get in a mess to the point where i avoid certain roads (motorways normally) because of the fear of not being able to stop anywhere. I find i have to carry a bottle of water and/or some sweets to try to overcome this and i would rarely attempt to eat out as i would fear choking on my food. I had a situation a few weeks ago where i stood at a bus stop but could not get on it when it arrived as im not 'in control' of the situation..the driver is. All these symptoms seem to disappear if i have had a drink (alcohol) as i guess this relaxes me. I have tried several times to talk to my GP but he is not too interested. I have had hypnotherapy which worked briefly but the problem soon came back..any help pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease im desperaste to sort this out :blush: many thanks


29-04-09, 17:03
Unfortunatly sometimes Doctor's don't listen, mine doesn't listen to me either. What I suggest is you get some Kalms you don't need a perscripton and they are a natural plant remedy, I suggest you take these regulary for a couple of weeks and see if you start to feel any better.

The kalms definately help with my anxiety, don't know what I'd do without them, don't get me wrong still have good/bad days but it's better than nothing. Also try changing Doctors if yours doesn't listen.....

Good luck

29-04-09, 17:07
Thanks. I have tried them but no help. I know there is nothing physically wrong. My doctor even discussed my issues with my sister in law without my knowledge !!! how bad is that !

29-04-09, 17:23
Your doctor is a wrongun and you should get rid of him. Use someone else for sure.

I havent suffered from the swallowing like you mention although recently had the lump in my throat and/or feeling like i was gagging. I would find your comfort zone first and work from there. You mention you couldnt get on a bus for fear of not being in control - i am very familiar with this and i must drive everywhere (although i hate driving). Try getting a family member to drive you somone local like the shops to buy a paper. That way your still in control if you ask them to stop for a breather then they will. Get to the shop and buy a paper - try at a time when they are not too busy so you wont be queing for ages. Build up as many positives as you can from small trips and gradually increase these trips to longer lengths of time.

Hope this helps

29-04-09, 17:29
Some good avice thank you. It can be quite terrifying (sp) when you suddenly think you cant swallow.

29-04-09, 18:57
You must put it in your head that you can swallow. Just take it easy and take each breath and swallow slowly and clam yourself down.

When times get tough for me i always look back and say that nothing has happened to me before and it has passed and i never fainted and im still alive (or any other thoughts people may have) so why will it happen this time.

The truth is nothing ever happens. I never faint - im never ill (feel crappy but hey so what) - you will be able to swallow, if it happens when your out again find a wall or a bench and just sit down and take it all in and dont do anything. Give your mind something to do - Count the cars, count birds (whatever you can think of). But dont run from it becasue it will follow you and is as fast as you can ever run.

All the best in your recovery


30-04-09, 07:46
After reading some posts here and realising it isnt just me, I have realised that the only reason i panic is cos i think i cant swallow. If i can overcome one problem then the other will disappear. On my way home last night i went out of my way to drive along one junction of a motorway and guess what...im still alive....he he

thanks all

30-04-09, 09:00
Thats excellent news. Try and make a habit of it now. Dont do too much but make every experience a positive and in no time at all it will turn into a daily routine and panic wont even come in to the equation. Dont worry if you have an off day - we all have those and you will bounce back from them.

Great news - keep us posted on your experiences


30-04-09, 09:21
will do. thanks simon

01-05-09, 09:53
I just want to let you know i went to the school last night for parents evening which is a nightmare for me and i managed to keep myself calm and it went great. Im well pleased with myself.


01-05-09, 14:28
Good to hear - now build on that good experience

03-05-09, 19:51
Today i went on the motorway 3 different times and no problem. Wednesday will be a test as im taking someone to Luton airport (from west London)

05-05-09, 08:42
Get it out of your head its a test. Its the same as what you have done and completed.

Dont put the added strain on you that this journey is a test. It will be just normal - well done to you

06-05-09, 15:56
Done it....no problems at all :yahoo:

29-05-09, 13:36
Hi all. I've not been on here for a while but just to let you know im getting less and less panics since finding this site and seeing im not alone. I have my biggest test to date tomorrow....a ticket to the FA cup final. I will let you know how it goes.


p.s. last weekend i actually went on a bus with no problems....a big thanks to you all

29-05-09, 14:27
well done you!
Enjoy the match tomorrow
very best wishes

31-05-09, 09:01
The match was absolutely brilliant (and im a west ham fan) corporate seat...the lot. and no problems