View Full Version : over reacting

29-04-09, 18:02
hi all

one of the biggest things I have with my anxiety is over reaction to lifes events.

I have just recently come out of relationship. I was in love with her, there were a few incidents where I did over react to a stressful situation, and it has added to the demise of our relationship.

i can think over the course of my life and i can say that my anxiety and its effect of over reaction has cost me lot of jobs and relationships.

although i feel sad, i know that this recent relationship probably never stood a chance anyway, but my over reaction played its part, and that i do regret

29-04-09, 18:09
hi dave sorry to hear about your split anxiety is awful it does funny things to us, and alot of people dont understand hope you feel better soon

29-04-09, 18:37
I'm sorry to hear that your relationship ended with this person. I understand how diffictult it is for yourself and of course those that do not suffer this, but has a partner who does and thus has to live with this also. Finding a partner in life and sustaining a relationship is not always easy, for anyone, regardless of health etc.

I am in a relationship and sometimes it is difficult, I can be moody and spark off like a firecracker at the slightest thing on occassion. My partner is Hungarian and the language barrier between us can be a problem! which can add to the tension when things go askew. He does not fully understand my condition, but he is learning and I too am learning to 'take a breath' and communicate a bit better when I am on a low one. We have a special word when I am feeling off.. as it sometimes comes on so quick, we use ' Accelerator' it was a word that just popped up one day and since then, he will just ask ' accelertor?' and I can grunt back and he knows I am not in good form lol.. It helps too that I no longer have to think of myself, there is someone else in my life that it helps me to deal with my demons and take stock on how I react and deal with things when that dark cloud drops on my head.

Any relationship takes work, understanding, and good communication. To be open and honest at all times. Even if neither has a disability/mental prob.. Having an anxiety disorder etc adds pressure, but if two people love each other I believe they can work together and find some sort of balance.

I hope you feel better soon :hugs: