View Full Version : WHY AM I ALWAYS PANICKY???

20-08-05, 07:46
Morning Everyone,

I need advice/reassurance to try to understand why I always seem to feel panicky for no apparent reason?

I've got up this morning, not feeling too bad, but then I've started to feel shaky and doing the overbreathing thing? I'm now nearly 9weeks pregnant and really need to try to overcome this both for myself and the new baby and also, the rest of my family.

I seem to have tried everything, but to no avail! I haven't seen my counsellor for months and he hasn't contacted me for an appointment so I think on Monday I will call him. I've also got my first appointment with the midwife on Tuesday, which will also be a relief. I am really worried about the effects of the missed beats whilst pregnant and especially in labour...and I'm still worried that there is something wrong with me, because I have had them for so long now and usually experience them daily.

I feel so stupid for still going on about them after all this time and not being able to learn to accept that they are probably just something that I have to live with, but they scare me so much.

Love, Linda.x

20-08-05, 10:34
hi Linda,

It's only normal that you feel nervous about the ectopic beats. I think that getting in contact with your counsillor again is a good idea. Hopefully that will help. I also think seeing the midwife will help relax you. Try to talk things over with her as that will reassure you.

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

20-08-05, 11:03
As things change in your life and you are entering a new phase of change it is only normal that anyone would get a heightened state of nervousness- because of your history of anxiety it is ok to be anxious.

You have had periods recently when you said the ectopics had got much better

I urge you to have an open discussion with your midwife and let her know your fears. She may want to do a pregnancy baseline ECG or 24 hr tape so do talk to her.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-08-05, 11:21
Hi Lin

You know I empathise with you on this one.

I think I would tell your midwife as its good not to bottle it up and any of the team involved as you progress - if they know your fears, then hopefully you will keep getting the reassurance you need and that will help to keep your anxiety levels down, which will in turn make you feel much better.

Love Piglet:)

21-08-05, 09:37
Thanks for the replies.

The one thing that I can do is openly talk to people about my fears, the only thing I am scared of is if they find something out that is wrong with me.

Has anyone else been pregnant and suffered the ectopics?

21-08-05, 23:33
Firstly, congratulations on being preggers[8D]
I have had agoraphobia and panic dissorder for 13 years. I had my daughter Grace three years ago. I used to have so many fears about how things would go. would the baby be ok, how would I cope etc.
I had a healthy pregnancy, and a healthy baby, and I coped.
whatever worries you have, discuss them with your midwife, she's here to help you have your baby in as easy way a possible.
i hope it all goes really well for you
Take care Ju

my world is only as small as my courage

22-08-05, 18:22
Had another day quite full of missing beats.

I have contacted my counsellor and am seeing him on Thursday and midwife appt is to tomorrow afternoon.

I am so worried about missing beats.

Sue K with 5
22-08-05, 18:32
Hi Lin

I have had five children, and the last two pregnancies I had similar symptoms to you, especially on the fifth one, because my anxiety and panic attacks were more intense than they had ever been before.

I also had similar fears as to the damage or harm this could do the the bab, but I was fine, and so was Willow, she came out health and wighing in at 9.4 so, my theories were proven wrong.

When you feel like this again. Try laying down and just put your hand on your tummy and breath very deeply and feel the babies heart beat, you will realise that her beat is faster and quite normal. It does help ease your panic and fears.

Your going to be fine !!!

take care

sue with 5


24-08-05, 09:49
Can anyone with any medical knowledge, please,please, please reply to this.....

I had my midwife appointment yesterday, the first one, where you have to go through everything. Anyway, when I mentioned missed beats she seem quite worried and said I might need to see a cardiologist? Obviously, this has scared me even more now especially as most people keep trying to reassure me that they aren't dangerous. I'm really scared now, PLEASE HELP.


24-08-05, 11:26
Hi Lin,

I'm sure Meg will be on and answer this one in due course.

When I was pregant with my second child (now 16) I had to be sent to the cardiologist and it was discovered I had a mild heart murmur (nothing to do with ectopics) probably due to the pregnancy. This was way before my anxious days and to tell you the truth it didn't really worry me at all.

I'm glad I didn't let it worry me as here I am 16 years later and now my GP can't even hear it. I remember when I started with anxiety I got him to listen to my heart as I thought the two could be linked and he told me then to stop worrying about that as when he's listening he can't even hear it. He's also recently told me to take up jogging which I found somewhat comforting.

I went on to have my third child a few years later and because I'd been checked out thoroughly no one was concerned through that pregnacy.

I'm pleased for you that you will see the cardiologist as I think this will help you to be reassured by the ectopics finally, by an expert!!!!! Don't be worried be glad. They are doing it so they have a good upto date reference on your total health and like Meg said previously, a baseline assessment to work from.

I was in two minds whether to post this info as I know I'm like you and don't want to be scared by even more medical worries. I'm hoping you'll see the moral of this tale and it may help you.

Big hug.

Love Piglet:):):)

24-08-05, 11:39
Hi my friend is a midwife, they are not experts on the heart, so if someone complains of missed beats it is there duty to report it.

Basically she is covering her own back and i wouldnt worry about it...i know its not easy for you as I have had my heart checked out recently and it is scarey.

I get the missed beats and palpatations yet they say nothings wrong with me.
Funny thing is the nurse who was caring for me that day told me it was just anxiety and how she used to suffer terrible panic attacks many years ago and could understand how frustrating it was for me.

They will put your mind at rest like they did mine:D


24-08-05, 11:44
Thinking of you Linda

I am sure Meg will put your mind at rest

lots of love


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

24-08-05, 13:01
Hi Linda.

*She may want to do a pregnancy baseline ECG or 24 hr tape so do talk to her.*

Just as we discussed earlier in this post she is taking precautions but she is not qualified to order any tests herself or make a call on yourbheart so has done exactly the correct thing by referring you to see the specialist who can then either order some tests or reassure you and the midwife who may not have seen this before . Not all midwifes are nurses so may not know anything about hearts.

This way you are examined and tested and they have a baseline to work from so will know if anything changes throughout the pregnancy.

I'm really pleased you have been referred on.

You may now have a 24 hr tape or an echo.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

25-08-05, 07:20
Thanks everyone for replying.

Piglet, I am soooo stupid really, I had an ecg and a 24hr tape three years ago, just after I lost my baby and when the missed beats started but even though they said I was ok here I am three years on still worrying? What am I like?

I know I worry about them because I get them more or less everyday, even when I'm not feeling anxious and for no apparent reason. I was in Telford yesterday, shopping with my friend and I felt them, like my heart sort of shuddered and then carried on as normal?

Meg, do you know of anyone who has had them during pregnancy?

Sorry to keep needing reassurance on this. You'll all be sick of me by March, LOL.

Off to see counsellor this morning for first time in months, let you know how I get on later.
Love, Linda.xxx

25-08-05, 11:34
Good luck at the counceller Linda


Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

25-08-05, 16:46

Bit of a strange appointment with counsellor really. He more or less said he couldn't do much else with me because I'm not learning to accept that the missed beats aren't harmless and I probably won't ever change my way of thinking???????? I'm a bit miffed really, because I really want to learn how to change my thoughts and be more positive and stop worrying but he said its not something he can teach me but something I have to do myself. He was really exassperated when I told him I was pregnant and the midwife had referred me to a cardiologist and said she was contaminating the situation!!!!!

A confused, Linda????

25-08-05, 18:26
Hi Linda

Sounds like you need a difference counsellor to me. Although in a way he is right in that it is you who needs to learn to accept that the missed beats are harmless, any decent counsellor or therapist wouldn't simply give up because they run out of ideas. If that were the case I think mine would've given up long ago!

As has been mentioned earlier in this topic, the midwife is not a specialist and is just being thorough by referring you on. It doesn't mean there is anything to worry about and perhaps having the tests will help to reassure you and enable you to accept that fear about these missed beats is obsessive thinking due to anxiety.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.