View Full Version : My birthday

29-04-09, 19:48
Today is my birthday, and I am having such a sad day. All I can do is panic and think about how this will be my last birthday. I am going through a bad time and I have so much support, but can't get out of my own head, convinced I have a disease that no one else can see, that's slowly killing me. I feel like I am hurting all the people I love with this. I have a good doctor who I have seen so many times who patiently talks me through everything, but then when I go home I can't believe him.
Today I am going to try to focus on this being the year I conquer my fear.

agent orange
29-04-09, 20:49
If it makes it any better, though I'm sure it won't. Most of us on here are exactly the same. Try to relax and do something different and distract yourself. Take care and Happy Birthday.

29-04-09, 20:57
happy birthday lindzanne!!! i don't know if makes you feel any better to know this or not, but i could have written that myself. i feel exactly the same way and often find that i cannot even enjoy the happy times in my life b/c i am so busy worrying about something being wrong with me. so i wish i had some sage advice to give you (because then i would take it myself, too) but i don't - just know that you're not alone and i can absolutely relate to how you feel. i think most people on here do too.

try and have a wonderful day :)

29-04-09, 22:07
Happy birthday Lindzanne - as other people have said - we all experience the same feelings. It has taken me a long time to realise that the HA is the problem, not the symptoms I think that I have. I always think that if I can only get over this problem, then all will be well but something else always seems to come along. As robelros said - you are not alone & I hope that is a bit of help to you, take care x

29-04-09, 23:25
Firstly Happy birthday!

And you are not alone feeling like this that is why we have nmp :)

Pm anytime I am here



30-04-09, 07:05
It was my birthday in February I don't know if it was my last none of us do.

A plane could pass overhead and accidentally drop a block of frozen pee on my head that would do it or a joy rider could knock me down and kill me.:ohmy:

What I am saying is none of us know if this is our last day on earth so it is not worth worrying about.:flowers:

If we did we would spend all our life in bed getting pressure sores and circulatory problems which could kill us anyway.

30-04-09, 09:17

Give yourself a huge birthday present and just smile all day long, after all it's your special day!


Trish x

30-04-09, 11:17
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Don't worry, we all often feel like this. I have actually worked out who will do the readings at my funeral... BUT, the sun is shining today (well, it is here) and it's your Birthday and HIGHLY UNLIKELY to be your last.... Will you post tomorrow and let us know you're still here.... cos I'm pretty sure you will be.

Poor you - it's horrid to feel so sad on your birthday.... is someone with you?

But If we can't convince you that you're ok - think of the saying, live each day as if it's your last.... don't mope around, do things that make you smile - make it a great day.... it won't be your last but if you think it is.... MAKE IT A GREAT ONE!!

Thinking of you.
xx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

30-04-09, 12:35
happy birthday, im same every year on birthdays, christmas, etc, but im still here try to enjoy your special day, easier said than done with anxiety but its only your birthday once a year make the most of it


30-04-09, 20:25
Thank you so much all of you for your messages. I seriously am so grateful I found this site, all these people who don't even know me and are actually an ocean away being so kind and supportive! I feel so much better reading all your messages.

agent orange
30-04-09, 20:31
Hope you are feeling better?