View Full Version : TENSION

20-08-05, 07:52
could anyone help I wake up with tension, and go to bed with tension,
I have a band around my head most of the time, and my shoulders get so sore, we went away for a few days last week to devon as we live in cornwall, so not to far to travel,and with the tension at the end of the day I was drained, was wondering if you can get anything to take, or rub into your shoulders to ease, what I am getting.


20-08-05, 11:06
A professional massage or course of 3 will really help .

Lavender oil is the main one to use as DIY.

Also look and try and find a yoga/Taichi class to join as the postures will help relax you.

A relaxation CD or meditation session can also be helpful.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-08-05, 11:30
Hi Allison,

Two things that have helped me with this problem are

1. Yoga - choose a gentle type - the paticular exercise I like involves placing your index finger and middle finger on your chin, then gently press down, this brings your head towards to your chest thus stretching out the back of the neck. It's not a big movement but you sure can feel it! Do its very slowly!!!

2. Glenn Harrold cd's - you will always hear me recommend these and pretty well any of his are relaxing but the obvious choice is 'Complete Relaxation' these do it for me everytime.

Love Piglet:)

20-08-05, 12:08
thank you all so much for your help

20-08-05, 14:55
A good massage has helped me with this in the past :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

20-08-05, 16:55
Hi allison
I have terrible trouble with tension which badly affects my neck and shoulders. I have 2 practical things which really help.
The first is a grain cushion, which you should be able to buy in most pharmacies or health shops. You just put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes and then wrap it around your neck. They usually have a calming aromatic oil in them . I dont know what I would do without mine.
If your shoulders are really painful-mine get so bad sometimes I cant sleep-try Deep Freeze cold gel.You can get it in Boots. you just rub it in whenever and it completely numbs your pain. It is perfectly safe too!
Janet c

20-08-05, 18:59
Hi Allison,

Definately a massage as others have said.

A warm soak in a bubbly bath.

Also I have a cushion which you can put over your eyes which has lavender oil in it.

Or you can get these microwavable wheat pillows which can go around your neck and sholders as Janet said I find the heat really helps. I to wouldn't be without mine!

This is a few things I do to help ease my tension.

Hope it passes for you soon,

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

21-08-05, 19:02
thank you all so much for the help with trying to get rid of my tension, some times I get it so bad have got to hold onto things to move around the house, but will try all the things you have all have suggested.
allison xx

21-08-05, 22:41
Hi Allison

I would definately recommend a back, neck and shoulder massage!!! I had a fab one last week and almost fell asleep on the massage table!!! Indian head massages are good too.

When I am feeling really tense and get stress headaches I go to sleep with migraine ice patches on my forehead. I've found that helps.
