View Full Version : question for women!!

29-04-09, 21:13
hi guys,

so aswell well as still being worried sick about my bowels i have given myself another worry:(

since having my 2nd son a year ago i occasioanally get a snot like discharge (sorry tmi) same as i had leading up to labour, spoke to female family member who said the same and was normal, however i made the mistake of looking down there!!omg!! im now panicked the opening to my vagina looks v odd like little bumpy bits of soft ragged skin ( so sorry tmi) my lively hubby looked and swears its always been like that but im not so sure and dint want to rush to the docs cos iv been there so much lately, anyone help please xxx

29-04-09, 21:34
hi Worriedem,

It sounds quite normal to me - did you have any stitches after the birth of your children? I do understand how you feel, I get the same fears about health issues but luckily have a very understanding GP. I am sure that there is nothing to worry about, but you may feel happier if you get it checked out
I really hope that you feel less anxious very soon,
take care,
fluffy x

29-04-09, 22:03

thanks, yeah i had a 2nd degree tear with my first whos. 2&1/2 i was wandering if it could be scar tissue or something, not looked since having my babies so just dont know whats normal just was shocked at what i saw!!

29-04-09, 22:45
OMG !!! thank you soo much, i ave been having a right panic, i gave birth 12 weeks ago and since maybe 3 weeks ago i have been having 'snotty' discharge no smell just like before you give birth, or when you ovulate. ha! funny ay! With regards to down there i have a slight prolapse, nothing that causes me any problems but got does it look weird down there, it kinda looks fuller, like the opening sorry TMI alert. Doc said no woman will look the same again down there. I blame the fact i had a 9lb 5 baby"!!

30-04-09, 07:01
yeah ive been having the snot and my sons a year now! my sis in law says apparently its ovulation and she has always had it! i still have no periods due to breastfeeding so not sure when i ovulate but it does seem to happen in blocks so maybe it is!

as for my funny looking bits i really dont know if i sud be running to the doctor or i am being silly, but quite honestly when i pull right near the opening apart the skin around it looks like theres extra fleshy bits attached im worried they re growths or something! my husband thinks its always been that way and says they wouldnt be the same all the way round if they were anything dodgy!!

30-04-09, 13:04
oh gid is the lack of response a sign it is abnormal!!:0

30-04-09, 13:09
it doesnt sound abnormal to me ,cos i got it aswell and i had my last kid 16 years ago, its usually where we are stitched or torn you get these funny bits please dont worry to much


30-04-09, 13:44
It sounds like it could be skin tags which are very common and nothing sinister at all. My bits have never looked the same after having my children as they were big babies, 10lbs and 9.13lbs plus i had stitches on both occasions, But you know if you are worried go see your doctor they wont mind, and it will put your mind at ease but im pretty sure they sound like skin tags, take care x

01-05-09, 15:42
Hey worriedem

Could they be sebacious glands spots? Apparently most people have these little white/ceam coloured dots in the skin there and it is just oil glands in the skin. I freaked out when i noticed i had them and looked them up on the gum WEBSITE to read that they werent an STD and were normal. The discharge thing, definately normal, cervical mucus, i had it too after waters broke and get at a certain time every month. Think you can have it whether ovulating or not think that the clear stuff is ovulation and the cloudy snot like stuff is other times.


P.s sorry if spot things not what you are seeing, also sorry for sharing description of bits on my bits if wasnt relavnt hee hee

01-05-09, 16:04
Worriedem, I know EXACTLY what you mean, I have exactly what you described.
I really and I mean REALLY freaked out when I saw that for the first time (about 2 years ago), like you I asked my husband to look and he said they had always been there. I thought it might be... I don't know organ collapse (I think that's the term to use) or something, but it's nothing.
It's normal to look different down there after kids (I've had 2 myself I'm 33), after all, everything else does if you think about it.
I'm sure most people don't look or else they would be horrified.
Relax, it's nothing.

01-05-09, 16:32
I have so much admiration for you women. The things you have to go through is beyond anything I can think of. Your bodies are put through so much just so nature can carry on. Thank you.