View Full Version : exhausted an hour after I wake then gets better later.. anyone? pls!!

30-04-09, 03:15
I'm still having trouble feeling like this is anxiety. I'm not on meds..
I wake up feeling ok and no panic or anxiety, then an hour or two later I get hit with major tiredness where I feel like i'm dying, then I get better as the day goes on... sometimes I get a little more tired later but not as bad as an hour or two after I wake. I feel like I get tired first then I feel anxiety because I wake up thinking i'm going to be ok then I'm shot down with this feeling of complete tiredness. I do have major anxiety but I feel that my anxiety is due to me being tired and not the otherway around. ANYONE have this exact problem?? And better yet, has someone and recovered from it completely

30-04-09, 04:11
Romo what do you eat or drink when you awake?

annie pannie
30-04-09, 17:23
Hi Romo

I am sorry you feel so bad but I do know that I had similar feelings and yes it does go away. I have suffered with terrible tiredness and lethargy (I mean really really bad) for years, whilst at the same time having anxiety. Like you I always thought that the tiredness was for some other reason and if I could get over that I would stop feeling so anxious. Like you, i always, always felt worse after I got up - to the point where when i was trying to get ready for work, it was all i could do to walk upstairs - i kept having to sit down. i even went to see my GP who was not interested. that was over two years ago. The first thing I did was sort my diet out - there's a lot of literature about the link between anxiety and food but basically if you are anxious for long periods of time you need to eat foods that you don't burn up. You also need to eat every two hours - not big meals - the opposite- have a really good breakfast and include some protein as this will slow down how quickly you burn up the carbs; then have good quality snacks til lunch - oatcakes with peanut butter that sort of thing. Eating a healthy diet is crucial because you are burning up more than you are eating just through anxiety. I had really bad low blood sugar even when I ate reallly really well and was told by the doctors that it was due to anxiety - i just couldn't believe it - there must be something wrong with me. In fact, since my anxiety has lessened dramatically over the past few weeks my sugar levels have been the best they have been for more than 25 years - so what does that say. Of course, i still have to eat very sensibly and don't touch sugar or high refined carns and will always eat every two hours, but the difference is in how I feel. Remember I could barely walk upstairs without needing to rest - I now walk for over an hour and can even walk reasonably quickly - I wish you could have known what I was like before. So the first thing is diet. the second is to drink enough water - stay hydrated. The next thing if you can is to accept that a lot of how you are feeling - shakes, dizzyness, extreme tiredness and so on is anxiety - its difficult to think that somehting like that can do so much damage but it can and once your anxiety lessens you will start to feel more like doing things and then the old thing of the more you do the less terrible you will fee will kick in.

Sorry to go rambling on - believe me I feel for you. i am no medical expert and would always say if you feel that tired go and get checked by your gp, but if all the checks have been done then try the diet/water/vitamins - don't go for the cranky websites - there is a really good technical book on anxiety and depression which I will give you the title for - it's written by two medical experts who have been through hell themselves and they write in a very accessible way - they place a lot of emphasis on the right diet to fuel your body and also accepting that your symptoms are due to anxiety. It was only a few weeks ago that I had this awful feeling of not being able to walk in a straight line - feeling like I had to plant my feet carefully when I walked - I was convinced I had dangerously low blood pressure or MS - once my anxiety lessened (for complicated reasons I won't go into here) the wobbles went away - remember your mind is very powerful - which is a good thing because as much as it can trick you into thinking you have serious physical ill health, it can also be used to help you believe that you are ok. I will let you have the book title when I find it.

Believe in yourself best wishes and a hug


30-04-09, 20:51
please don't feel sorry. That is a great help to me.. like you will NOT believe. You give me hope. I eat really heathy, majorly and when I started getting sick I gave up even more. It didn't help much I guess. But knowing people have it also and the same feelings makes me feel better.

30-04-09, 21:54
bump :)