View Full Version : Need some advice

20-08-05, 10:56
Hi guys, was so glad to find this forum. Wonder if you can help me? About a year ago I was involved in a major car crash and have been having flashbacks ever since, and just bursting into tears for no reason. I thought I was dealing with it reasonably well although I think I probably have been slightly depressed over this last year and had little motivation. I'm back driving but not as much as I did - it still scares me. About a week ago I came down with a very weird bug which started off with lightheadedness and a very strange 'out of body' feeling, as if I was watching myself from outside. I know I had some form of virus as I had a sore throat, earache and cough as well, but it seems a bit too much of a coincidence that it happened exactly around the anniversary of the crash. Today I feel more like myself but just can't stop crying. I'm not normally like this - although I have been slightly depressed this last year, I normally try and get on with life. Right now I feel pretty awful and have been having recurrent thoughts of death and feelings of terror - not cheerful, I know! Has anyone else experienced this in conjunction with PTSD or am I just going completely mad?

20-08-05, 11:35
You are not going completely mad at all.

Sometimes with a fever and illness you can feel very disorientated and disjointed but I agree with you that it may also be connected with your accident.

You probably had a touch of depersonalizetion/ derealization which is your bodys way of protecting you from too much brain ache/ being overwhelmed.

Have you had any help or treatment for your PTSD ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

20-08-05, 14:46
Welcome Armadillo :)

Speaking to a doctor or counsillor might help you with your PTSD. It's very hard to fight something like that alone. Hope we can offer you some good support here. :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

20-08-05, 22:02
Hi, sorry to hear about your accident and that you dont feel to well but sounds like you have had a nasty shock, hope you can get some help/support here, Take care. Vernon

20-08-05, 22:25
Hi Armadillo

Welcome to the site.

Sorry to hear about your accident.
There are lots of nice people here who will
help and support you.