View Full Version : Another thing to share, Lumpy fat on chest?

30-04-09, 09:47
Soo, I am a male, A pretty skinny one to, The weird thing is...My chest (Breast are) Seem to have a fair bit of fat! :(

Not so much that you can clearly see man-boobs(Term me & my friends tend to use as jokes & such :P) on me, but enough that I can get a good thick layer of fat between my fingers.
When I do that I feel lumps, loads of em! some smaller then the others some pretty big. Now lumps are what scares me the must, and I live my days with frequent obsesive lump checking all over my body, and these just scare me alot for some reason.

I know that as a Male the chance of my having breast cancer is so increcibly tiny if not near impossible, but still, its lumpy and I heard that breast cancer is often noticed by lumps in the breasts...

So well,all I wanted to ask is are there any other people around here who have experienced this weird Lumpiness? is it just normal fat that allways feels lumpy?

Im just afraid and dont want to go look it up on the net again, so I decided to come ask here.

Kind regards,

Kraggy :hugs:

30-04-09, 10:09
Hiya Kraggy,
You did right not looking it up on the net.
Sounds quite normal to me. It's always best to get it checked out with the doc though. Sounds like usual fatty tissue to me, but go get it checked, that will put your mind at rest, and it's far better than letting Google scare you :D

all the best


30-04-09, 10:22
I see, I have asked the doc to have a look, but he barely felt for 5 seconds and gave me the "Nothing strange here" line. :P But it was hard for me to belive that such lumpiness was normal, then again, I dont really know if Fatty Tissue feels like that.

Thank you for your reply!

Kind regards,

Kraggy :bighug1:

30-04-09, 11:25
If the doctor says it's ok, I suspect it is. There is tissue around there - breast tissue (even in men) and if squeezed and prodded and poked, it will feel a bit lumpy - plus there is muscle tissue too, which feels different...

Don't panic - think you're ok....