View Full Version : How to survive the Swine Flu Panic

30-04-09, 10:15
Hi All found this on the web. Hope it helps keeping you calm with all that News sensationalism about.

Picture the little kid crying in front of Mum. She’s wagging a finger at him saying, “I’ll give you something to cry about!” Anyone else feeling that way or is it just me? Terrorism, recession, and now what? Swine flu? Oy! What’s next? A plague of locusts? Once again the media pounces and every five minutes we are hounded by how we shouldn’t panic. So much of what’s in the news right now is about as helpful as someone yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theatre. “We don’t want you to panic, but there might be a three alarm blaze in the hall.” Really, is that helpful?
So what can we do to address our anxiety over this crisis du jour? Treatment for situational anxiety doesn’t change much even if the trigger causing it does.

Turn off the radio or television. Get off the news blogs. This is the best advice I can give you. Our brains and bodies are not made to assimilate repeated traumatic news force fed by 24 hour news networks. All we achieve is overloaded circuits and increased anxiety. Allow yourself to walk away from the news and come back to it occasionally for updates. When you must get information about the swine flu, exercise the control you have and get the best information you can, e.g. at the Centers for Disease Control’s (http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/) website.
Breathe. Deep and slow. If you begin to feel the yellow flag signals of anxiety coming on (increased heart rate, shallow breathing, tense muscles, sweaty palms…) use your coping tools to keep the fear under control. Don’t run away from the feeling. Stop and breathe through it. Keep breathing; make yourself as comfortable as possible. Allow your everyday tasks at work and at home to distract you.
The best antidote to anxiety is action. What can you do besides washing your hands? Get outside and exercise, exercise, exercise! Process that adrenaline by working out. Our yards and gardens call for care, our kids want to play football. After an hour of play you will be able to focus again.
Be calm for your kids. If you have small children, they need you to be grounded and practical. Answer their questions as directly as you can without elaborating. If they ask: “Will I get sick and die?” or “Will you get sick and die?” Answer directly, “We all get sick sometimes but there’s absolutely no reason to think we will die from it. Now where’s your homework?”
Don’t give in to the anxious thoughts. Fight back. Practice mindfulness. Substitute visions of mayhem with prayer and meditation. Give your worry over to your higher power. Give yourself the oxygen of balanced thinking. If you have a history of anxiety disorder or OCD you may have a particularly hard time with this. Go to Swine Flu: A Special Warning To Those With OCD (http://blogs.psychcentral.com/anxiety/2009/04/swine-flu-a-special-warning-to-those-with-ocd/) for guidance.
Inoculate yourself with humor. We humans love to laugh at our adversity. It’s a gift that separates us from the animals. A quick search on the Net supplied this:
“The only known cure for Swine Flu has been found to be the liberal application of oinkment.

By Elvira G. Aletta, Ph.D

Take Care


30-04-09, 10:24
Ah yes, The Swine Flu. Finally something that makes my agoraphobia useful. - :)

30-04-09, 10:50
You know, I actually had a dream about getting swine flu! On the positive side, I have managed to lighten my mood by sketching very bad pictures of pigs wrapped in blankets with thermometers.

Sorry for interrupting this positive thread by adding more worry, but I read an article that said 1 in 4 Britons could get swine flu - please, please tell me this is nonsense? If I go to college this evening, how likely is it that I'll become ill?

30-04-09, 12:26
I know it is easy to say "Don't worry"
We will anyway
BUT last year we were all panicking about BIRD FLU and what happened to that???????
According to this mornings news Briton has more than enough medication for us all!!!!!!!!!
Only my opinion BUT Mexico does not have the level medical care that we have that is why so many people have died.
Best wishes

10-06-09, 22:31
Should I be worried by this swine flu? I'm starting to worry.

10-06-09, 22:40
It has all been and gone now Phil!

11-06-09, 11:58
Ah yes, The Swine Flu. Finally something that makes my agoraphobia useful.


I have a question about Swine Flu though which i've not been able to find the answer to...

If you get swine flu but you don't know it's swine flu, you just think it's a cold or normal flu so you don't contact your doctor, will it just go away on it's own like normal flu does so in the end your non the wiser that you had it?
Or is it something that deffinatley needs special treatment?

11-06-09, 12:28

11-06-09, 13:06
I just called the swine flu helpline for reassurance, but it was crackling

11-06-09, 14:18
Shouldn't worry too much, there will be a vaccine by the autumn. Then, no more swine flu!! In the meantime, there are less than 1000 people infected in the UK and we have a population of 66 mill, so there is still a good chance of avaoiding it until a vaccine is available. There are more pressing things to worry about I think!

12-06-09, 01:10
Well I found out today that people in my mums work in morrisons have it..about 4..

so yeah..I'm worried like hell about it..and more so for my parents..my mother has diabtes and my dads chest is f**ked with asthma and emphysema. :( I have asthma but im worried they get it. What if my mum catches it form her work?

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12-06-09, 01:17
To the original poster,
i have anxiety everyday, and grim reaper thaights, as well as severe panic,
but what i know is when i have a few drinks, it kills it all, its brill lol,

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12-06-09, 17:35
I'm in Scotland and there's been alot of new cases so I'm worried.

I'm checking my body for symptoms not sure if I might get it just worried.

12-06-09, 17:56
I am supposed to be going to my sister's in Glasgow next week, but I am isolated where I live here and don't know of any cases around, so feel quite safe. I want to put off going north of the border, but...my sister will think I am being ridiculous 'cos she hasn't got General or health anxiety. Don't know what to do now..if she takes me into the city I will be in a state of jibbering fear!!