View Full Version : Tension/TMJ

30-04-09, 11:06
Do any of you suffer from tension in your face and get symptoms like this....?

A muffled head type feeling - like all stuffy in temple area and sometimes forehead (not often)
Tiredness at times
Tension in jaw
My main symptoms is blocked nostrils/ears which does seem to feel bed if im relaxed or busy (i dont notice any problems when I am at work, wierd)
Sometimes facial pain and pain at back of my head.


30-04-09, 11:11
Aimee - such a relief reading this - I have this really badly at the moment. All down my left side and my eye aches too.... and feels all weirdly blocked all down my face, neck and eye....

Guessing it must be tension..... because, like you, if I'm busy or in bed reading or whatever, I don't notice it as much....

Phew... I hope!

30-04-09, 11:17
Yes me to -fussy head, face ache and stiff eyes. Think mine all stems from muscle tension in my neck?

30-04-09, 11:38

Do any of you ever suffer with a congestion type feeling though?

30-04-09, 13:33
Yes, have it right now - have taken Sudafed two nights running.... which seemed to make no difference at all.....

30-04-09, 15:32
yep goy it now, its normal. Have a syndol.

30-04-09, 21:24
Horrible isn't it.

I just wondered if anyone else gets the congestion/nostril feeling, seems I am not alone.

01-05-09, 00:17
Hey Aimee,

The doctors told me I was allergic to house dust but I swear it is tension as it went away when I was signed off work!

So yeah, I get the blocked nose thing.

Take care,

Danny xxx