View Full Version : Water Problem

30-04-09, 11:58
Hi All,

Not sure if any of you can help, but I suffer from Anxiety from time to time. At the moment things are good and I don't feel particulary anxious and pains have gone for now!

However, I am finding that all the water I am drinking is going straight through me no matter how much I drink!

Is this an anxiety symptom? Should I change the water I am drinking to bottled water?

I drink a lot of water daily anyway (4-5 litres) as I go to the gym daily. I know this is a lot of water and this in itself would make me go to the toilet a lot. But I am finding that I am going throughout the morning a lot when I haven't even drank a lot?

Thanks for your advice!


30-04-09, 12:38
4-5 litres is alot.. so its no wonder youre going even when youve not had much during the morning (its not like your body doesnt store any is it)..

I wouldnt worry, but I def wouldnt drink more than you are doing.. too much water is almost as bad as too little!

Even if you feel a little anxious you may still be peeing due to that? If thats all thats happening and your pains etc have gone away then Id be happy with that.. currently Im quite anxious and my appetite is off, Im exhausted, tired all the time, aching, the list goes on!

Hope youre ok x.

30-04-09, 12:45
As nikki said, that seems a lot of water to be drinking. Be careful you don't wash away all the nutrients in your body. Perhaps someone at the gym could advise you as to how much is 'safe'.


30-04-09, 12:48
Thanks for your reply,

I'm not to worried, it is just annoying me as I feel thirsty all of the time!

Try not to worry about your anxiety, I know it's easy to say but I think that is how I'm getting through mine. I'm getting married in August and have had to find £34,000 in less than a year. Luckily I am in a job which enables me to do this but it has been very tough. I'm just concentrating on trying to look forward to the big day and not the anxiety that goes along with it!

Are you anxious about anything in particular?