View Full Version : Do you feel your GP/Doc does enough for you?

30-04-09, 13:35
Hi all,

Im just wondering what your Doctor does for you?

I have had a few health concerns since Feb last yr. After an ectopic pregnancy I was (Still am) experiencing stomach pains.. a GP ( not my own) suspected an ulcer and prescribed me omeprazole.. when it didnt clear it up I went back. My own GP then refered me to hospital.. so he didnt fob me off.

My Gp prescribed me a few anti d's (Id already tried some from a previous GP at my old surgery), he and I decided none have worked properly for me so he refered me for counselling..

I went there for 6 weeks or more, I then opted for CBT and had to be signed off from counselling as I wasnt allowed both.. even though Im still waiting for CBT and have been for months.

Ive been back and Ive asked for a CPN to visit me, Ive asked for any form of help (in the form of a person!), and he basically told me it wasnt possible (he said the CPN would only see me once a fortnight and it wouldnt be worth it as Im 'not that bad':lac: .. not quite sure if struggling to leave the house, panicing everyday, general anxiety, health anxiety, aches, pains, general sadness etc means Im not that bad!?!?

I dunno, I feel hes probably fed up of me.. he used to be approachable and nice to me, but lately he seems to have had enough and has no patience. Im not there every week (or every month) but Im perhaps there more than most telling him Im tired, my stomach isnt right, Im exhausted etc etc..

I feel a bit let down in some respects, like Im on my own with it:weep: .

How does your GP help you?

30-04-09, 20:27

I think it may be that you GP is waiting for the CBT to start and see how you do with that before trying any other approach. As you say it can take months for that therapy to be put in place but maybe you should make enquires as to why it has not started.