View Full Version : Feeling better at last!

30-04-09, 13:41
I have been suffering terribly for the last 5 months from anxiety. Over the last few days though i have been feeling back to myself again.

It is amazing how strong your mind can be if you let it and if you focus on one particular area of your body like i do. I have been through the mill of feeling tired, pains in my stomach/groin, dizzy, lightheaded, numb on side of face, sweating, no sleep, deppressed, anxious, sore back, headaches, tension...you name it.

I got so tired of feeling this way i decided that i am not going to worry about these sensations anymore and guess what...........they stopped!

Instead of constantly worrying about what disease i might have (cancer being the main one) i had to tell myself enough is enough and start enjoying life. I was starting to annoy my wife and my mum who i constantly bombarded with my concerns and worry and my collegues at work were also noticing how down i was.

I am not so niave to think it wont return again at some point but i do know that if you keep busy, dont dwell on your thoughts, find things in life to make you happy then it will go a long way to make you feel better all round.

I have suffered from anxiety for over 15 years now and to some extent it will be for the rest of my life but it can be at a level that you can control it.



30-04-09, 13:44

Well done you, i'm glad you're feeling so much better, and yes its all about trying to keep a positive mind and attitude.

best wishes

di xx

30-04-09, 13:46
Good on you - I think that's fantastic. I'm trying to do the same - finding it hard but am really trying.... I read an article the other day where a woman (who was recovering from HA and panic attacks) felt so cross about how she had wasted her life with Health Anxiety and lost 15 years, that she would never get back, constantly worrying about her health . That really hit home to me.... so I've decided to really give getting on with my life a go. Really for the sake of my children who suffer because of my permanent obsession with dying and cancer...

I'm really glad that it's worked out for you. Gives us all hope.

30-04-09, 14:02
I am not shouting from the rooftops that i am cured 100% but there is a pattern that develops overtime that you can begin to see. Every time i have worried myself about something and let it develop it has always come to nothing until the next thing comes along. It is about time i took more responsibilty to my wife and kids.

30-04-09, 14:14
Well done stephen,
keep it up :D
