View Full Version : Hi Newbie Here

30-04-09, 15:34
Hello All,
Found this site just now, whilst looking up dizzy spells related to stress, and as I don't believe in coincidences decided to join you :)
I have suffered from panic attacks/agoraphobia since I was 16 yrs old...that's 39 years :ohmy: , although 'it' has come and gone during this time.
I've been on Xanex (Alprazolam) 0.5mg and Propanolol 80mg since 1987...I also take Loprazolam 2mg to help sleep, although if I'm feeling panicky when I go out, I take one then too, which helps.
Just thinking out loud, but I have had a lot of stress since July 2005 when myself and hubby moved back to the UK from S.A. where we had lived for 9years. My eldest son and daughter in law have just had a baby 27 April, and my youngest son passed away August 2005 in S.A., 1 month after a car crash. My first baby passed over in 1976 age 2.5hrs.
Hubby started with depresssion in June 2008, but didn't see a Dr until the Sept...he is much better now he is on meds.
He is leaving for a 3 year contract at his old company in S.A. in around 10 days, coming home hopefully every 3 months.
So having typed all this, I realise it's no wonder I'm getting dizzy spells :doh: , but like so many others, I always think it could be something worse...silly me!
Looking forward to meeting you all in chat....what time are the chat's on please?
Take care of yourselves
Love and Blessings Mag

30-04-09, 15:45

Hi there Mag!

Well i think you made a wise move joining us as it is a wonderful place, lots of lovely people and has made a huge difference to my life :yesyes:

Sounds like you have had an awful lot to cope with, im so sorry xxx I thought i had had anx a long time (9years) but wow you have had to cope for an awfully long time, you must be a strong person xx

Chat is open all day and all night! People from many different countries come into chat and lots of us cant sleep at night! So there always somebody in the room! There is a waiting period before you can join the chat room...im not sure what date you actually joined? But look forward to seeing you in there soon! :D

30-04-09, 16:40
hi magenta it is as you say not suprising your dizzy youve gone through a lot, but lots of help and advice here welcomex

30-04-09, 16:45
Hi Mag , Welcome to NMP , glad you found us , you will gets lots of advice support and understanding here , sorry to hear about the loss of your youngest son and your baby I can only imagine how you felt and feel today:hugs: , hope you find the help you need , and i hope everything gets abit easier for you , take care :welcome: Dusky x

30-04-09, 16:45
Hi Mag , Welcome to NMP , glad you found us , you will gets lots of advice support and understanding here , sorry to hear about the loss of your youngest son and your baby I can only imagine how you felt and feel today:hugs: , hope you find the help you need , and i hope everything gets abit easier for you , take care :welcome: Dusky x

30-04-09, 17:01
Welcome, MagentaCharlotte! :)

01-05-09, 08:57
:) Thank you all for the welcome's and will see you in chat soon.
Am feeling much better today, at 9am!
I need to get my sleep pattern back to normal, as I have only been sleeping for around 4-5hrs....so last night I laid down around midnight, but was awake just after 5am:lac: . That is another thing that can make you dizzy, lack of sleep, although I know it can be a long process getting your body clock back on time.
Take care of yourselfs and remember that everything is as it should be at this moment in time.
Love and Blessings Mag x

01-05-09, 09:10
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice on here, and look forward to seeing you in chat, take care xx

01-05-09, 09:26
Welcome On board. I have been a member for one week and found it so helpful. I'm sure you will feel the same. Hug

01-05-09, 15:43
:) Thank you all for the welcome's and will see you in chat soon.
Am feeling much better today, at 9am!
I need to get my sleep pattern back to normal, as I have only been sleeping for around 4-5hrs....so last night I laid down around midnight, but was awake just after 5am:lac: . That is another thing that can make you dizzy, lack of sleep, although I know it can be a long process getting your body clock back on time.
Take care of yourselfs and remember that everything is as it should be at this moment in time.
Love and Blessings Mag x

Yay, so glad to read you are feeling much better now! :yesyes: I hope you are able to get back to sleeping normally soon. :)

01-05-09, 16:21
Hi Mag,

Welcome to NMP. I have to say you have had many losses in your life and you are a very strong person. I'd like to offer my condolences. Many here will understand how you are feeling and will give their support. I'm glad you are here.

Take care,
