View Full Version : Does anyone else feel down after feeling good?

30-04-09, 17:53
Hi all,

I have been in a fantastic mood all day. I went to my local MIND drop in centre just to chat with them and see what we can do to help my recovery. I came out of there feeling very positive. The positive mood disappeared on the way home and now I feel a bit down for the first time today.

I am wondering if this simply means I am not back up to full strength yet. I still have issues with being at home or spending time by myself. Is it normal for me to have come back down like this? I wonder if I should not have bothered talking about my problems today!

30-04-09, 18:03

when ever i have a good day all happy and feeling on top of things i come down with a bump,so its not just you .
it takes time to brake a the habit of anx pa,s etc but in good time i am sure you will have more good times than bad ones.

it will have done you good to get out and talk to people today

jodie xxx

01-05-09, 00:28
Hey Psycho, me ole mate me ole buddy me ole pal,

Don't worry :doh:

As my counsellor quite rightly points out, these sesions are never a chat over a cuppa, they are harrowing stuff, and just because you didn't notice yourself feeling down or bad in any way whilst you're in there, it will initially lift your mood to get these things off your chest, but ultimately you are digging at things that have been the source of all this emotional anguish for a very long time. You are bound to feel a bit rubbishy afterwards, even if you did feel good to start off with.

In a weird kinda way, it is a good sign that you had a downer. It means you have dug out some of the junk that has been causing you to feel bad; you have obviously touched on something important, and this is the start of you getting better.

I think getting rid of anxiety is like losing weight; if it goes away quickly then that is just what it is; a quick fix, and it will come back. If it goes away gradually, and there are some steps backwards along the way, that means you are doing things properly and the anxiety (and the weight, lol) will stay off for good.

You are doing so well sweetie, and if you have a glitch, no matter how big or small, just remember how far you have come. You are doing great, don't give up hope. :)

I'm here for you.

Take care, hope you are Ok,

Danny xxx

01-05-09, 12:23
Thanks everyone! In the past I experienced mood swings from high to low which caused me to think I was bipolar or something, but I realise now that this is simply how I am. I can be "melancholy" and I regard this is a personality flaw. Hell, nobody's perfect. ;)

I can feel myself reaching the crest of my good mood and tottering on the brink of sinking back down. While this is a scary feeling, I am learning to accept that this is who I am and this is the way I will continue to be through my recovery. It feels natural. That doesn't mean to say it's easy -- but who has an easy life?

Who knows, maybe in the future I will be permanently free of depression. My primary goal is to get back to normal. After that, we'll see about eliminating depression once and for all.

01-05-09, 13:06
Hi, I've had one of those days today too, you're not alone.
I've been a real hideaway this week and i managed to not only get myself to work but also to a friend's for a film yesterday...it may seem trivial but i haven't been able to do the normal things recentley so this was a big step. Anyway i thought i was doing really well until this morning when i just couldn't get up and face the world again. I guess i'm a bit like you Psychopoet, i go from high to flat on my face all the time. sometimes it makes me feel like I shouldn't have bothered to even try to be normal again, but the glimmer of hope i felt yesterday i hope will come back.
hugs x

01-05-09, 13:47
Hi, Talking about problems is great it gets it out,I always find some sort of relif when I've had a good talk. I have days when i'm up and down and can never tell when it's going to happen. I think this is part of the condition. I had a good day last week and I hold onto that memory. I can only send you support and let you know you are not alone.