View Full Version : morning headaches - scared

30-04-09, 19:09
For the last three mornings i've woken with bad headaches at the back of my head and im now really worried that it might be something serious , also scared to go to sleep.

30-04-09, 19:22
For the last three mornings i've woken with bad headaches at the back of my head and im now really worried that it might be something serious , also scared to go to sleep.

Do you think you need new pillows?

30-04-09, 19:26
Sounds like your posture is bad in bed or as Trixie said the pillows aren't supporting your neck.

30-04-09, 19:55
i'd be willing to bet you are grinding your teeth in your sleep - i do it and wake up with headaches all the time. if you're a generally tense/stressed person, you may tend to do that. trust me, i wake up with headaches ALL the time and used to be really worried about it but my dentist told me he sees signs that i grind and that can wreak havoc on your head....

30-04-09, 19:56
might be mattress or pillows? do you often have a drink before bed? might be alcohol, try cutting that out for a few days if you do. x

01-05-09, 15:34

Robelros is right im sure, tension teeth grinding during the night definately causes morning headaches at the back of the head- i had it shortly after having my baby when was very stressed. Its gone now am a bit calmer. Aparrently if you put your tongue gently between your teeth ( but dont bite!!) i helps to elax your jaw muscles , when your awake anyway


01-05-09, 17:45
Hi there,

I have the same exact issues on and off. I grind my teeth in my sleep when I am stressed. Sometimes the pain is in my neck too. I get headaches from my jawline and my neck pops sometimes....

Do you hear popping or anything when you yawn or chew gum?

Also...headaches could be because you aren't sleeping. You did say you are a afraid to go to sleep which I have an issue with as well. Thats why I grind my teeth.

:bighug1:I am sure you are okay.