View Full Version : Lumps and Bumps.

30-04-09, 19:15
Hello everyone. Not sure if in right section? I apologise if not.

I'm really worried as i have a little lump/bump behind my right ear and a few on my head (back of head under hair), some feel like bites and others just lumps. They do not hurt. I also have rash down my back with scabs on that itches.

Has anyone had this before? Or doe's anyone know what this could be? I'm ever so worried as all i can think is tumour or hemerige :weep: Or am i just being silly? I hope so.

Any advice please?

Many thanks in advance.

Natalie xxxx

30-04-09, 23:45

01-05-09, 00:48
You don't have a tumour!

The lumps and bumps could be sebaceous cysts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebaceous_cyst <<<<< click the link for more info

Don't worry.

03-05-09, 02:46
Thank You very much for your reply. Seen doctor and due to rash on back the lumps behind both ears now and couple on back of head are lymph's supposedly they can appear to fight off rash/acne on back. Been given cream so hopefully it all clears up soon.

Again many thanks. xx