View Full Version : wondering if these are common in other anxiety sufferers?

30-04-09, 19:26
for the past two weeks i have constantly felt that at the back of my mind/head there is a "foggy" feeling or maybe a feeling of pressure, but i am able to ignore it and function properly - even though i think it inhibits my mental processes, my work has been at the same level. it's merely annoying and sometimes just tiresome when i have too much to think about. i have also been having odd feelings in my head, which aren't quite painful enough to be headaches but aren't pleasant, they can be akin to the feeling of a plane taking off or just a dull ache. also i seem to think the top of my head is warmer than usual. i also have problems with vision almost permanently, my vision is not blurry but just slightly out of focus - as if i am day dreaming. the entire thing is just tiresome and if i think about it too much i get worried about all sorts of problems i could have. it also doesn't help i have so much work to do! would be nice if anyone has similar symptoms just to let me know i am not alone and do not have some dangerous illness as the doctor has said and it is just anxiety! sorry for the gratuitously long post! thankyou!

30-04-09, 20:05
Hi Kathy....Your not alone. I had a panic attack yesterday and a big one today after 7months of not having any. The one i had today was a big one though, wierd as my sight seemed to be affected....sort of like...misty or hazy which phased me out and sent me more panicky. I also start to rush and get racing thoughts which i cant seem to relax my mind or focus. Scared to go out 2moz now but i have a few things on which cant be avoided.

30-04-09, 20:57
i hope you are ok tomorrow! stay positive is the best way i beat it and to breathe. my vision is also is worrying me more, which i think is causing the headaches due to stress and the odd random aches all over my body which are not unusual of anxiety and stress either.