View Full Version : Job Interview

30-04-09, 19:49
I got word a job interview which is a positive but have the usual anxiety building. It's a step up as it's a supervisor so I'm worried I will become too bossy, change my character or get manic depression. I had a bad experience a few years ago where I went funny thought it was manic depression but it was not. I ended up arguing and walking out a job at the time but slowly learned to hold a job down.

I have been in my job a year almost and this is my longest in a job. I'm just going to be so nervous as it's like 2 weeks away and I'll have time to worry about all this can I cope..can I be a supervisor at 20 but also worried It will change me that's the big one. Part of me kind of thinks it's great part of me wants to be relaxed about it.

I am hoping I can get through it as two years ago a similar fear stopped me learning to drive and the fear got forgotten and I have surprised myself and done it and now doing extremely well hoping to pass my test this year.

Can anybody give me any words of advice to calm my doubts and nerves? I'm worried as it could do me bad or good just so anxious about it. If I never heard back I was never doing to apply to a job like it again anytime soon due to my stress problems. :shrug:

02-05-09, 00:42
Can anybody help? I just feel I'm living in fear of myself it's not really the job interview making me worried.

I feel better and positive but it's going to give me the wrong attitude and part of me wants to be like posher than the job I am in. Part of it is I've had a tough year and other bits are me wanting to better myself but feel I will think im great and be too eager. I'm worried I will be too interested in the job but have alot of anxiety just fear of myself.

I'm me at the moment and me living in fear. I hate change it scares me, anything that's out of character or new makes me worry I am losing my mind. I am terrified of manic depression as from what I posted above fearing my mood may go funny even though I never had depression.

Has anybody else experienced a long term fear and it having all these effects later on like fear of my inner side. Part of me wants to cancel the interview part of me wants to go ahead and make myself think I'm great.

Okay if I get the job I may calm down but what If I don't? what If I walk out the job? I feel this is the change I've been waiting for, but don't want it to change me but maybe that's my destiny? Am I over worrying here?

I'm just soo anxious due to this. I'm happy, sad and anxious. :shrug: :lac:

02-05-09, 00:56
try not to think of what if ? in a negative way. Think of all you have acheived so far and be proud of yourself :D You are learning to drive and feel confident now.. keep going! you can do this. If you have been offered a chance for this job, then it's because they feel you can do it. You don't have to change.. you don't have to become anyone else other than who you are. You will have more responsibilty, but if you know the job and how it is to be done, you can supervise others :)

I too have feared change, but sometimes changes are needed to move on.. all we are forever stuck in a rut. You have a chance to move forward and grow. Sometimes a leap of faith is needed. If you sincerely feel you cannot do this then don't.. but, if some part of you, can see the benefits of what this will bring to you.. and your being then go for it. Don't dwell too much on what has gone before.. that was yesterday.. tomorrow is a new day! A fresh slate..

Give yourself a chance :)

Best of luck .. huggles xx

02-05-09, 01:13
try not to think of what if ? in a negative way. Think of all you have acheived so far and be proud of yourself :D You are learning to drive and feel confident now.. keep going! you can do this. If you have been offered a chance for this job, then it's because they feel you can do it. You don't have to change.. you don't have to become anyone else other than who you are. You will have more responsibilty, but if you know the job and how it is to be done, you can supervise others :)

I too have feared change, but sometimes changes are needed to move on.. all we are forever stuck in a rut. You have a chance to move forward and grow. Sometimes a leap of faith is needed. If you sincerely feel you cannot do this then don't.. but, if some part of you, can see the benefits of what this will bring to you.. and your being then go for it. Don't dwell too much on what has gone before.. that was yesterday.. tomorrow is a new day! A fresh slate..

Give yourself a chance :)

Best of luck .. huggles xx

Thanks yes I have past experience which might help. I do think I can do it yes it's really just gave me too much of a boost. I'm worried that I see the step up bit more than the hard work of the job. There's benefits like better hours but just see negative the now. I have backed out of buying clothes, consoles due to obsessive thinking.

I even argued with myself about applying to it had the CV all printed for another position but last minute changed it as I feel I'm going to regret not doing this. Ok I probably will go for it but I'm scared of what it means for me, my attitude...it's just going to be a big change. It actually took me two years to get over the fear of driving to actually getting behind a wheel. I've never looked back.

I still feel a sense of responsibility when learning to drive bit more relaxing as I go on. It's all scary but I know I can't hide under the covers all my life...I have to get out the comfort zone. I'm scared of confidence due to the bad experience so any positive or extreme negative scares me.

This could be the best change of my life but I'm soo scared...last week I was negative, stressed this wheel I'm relaxed, confident and happy..The whole situation is a contact as I hate my job I'm in the now but rather than a replacement this may be a step up. It's all happened quick and fast makes me anxious. I just don't want to abuse the responsibility or be a bad boss or lose sight of the normal side of the job. I do feel a bit great about it but feel that's bad as I don't want to walk about like I own the place...To give you an idea..I don't want to win the lottery as I feel it may change me...make me posh or show off which is not good. I feel this anxiety about this job...if you get me?

The whole fear of myself/losing control OCD is driving me mad. I worked out I probably will feel a little good for it but the anxiety is making me worse. I feel I want to tell people about this job as I'm embarrassed by my current one...

My head is just muddled but it's a choice I have threatened over for months and like I said..I applied..:blush: :huh:

02-05-09, 01:35
I just don't want to abuse the responsibility or be a bad boss or lose sight of the normal side of the job. I do feel a bit great about it but feel that's bad as I don't want to walk about like I own the place...

The fact that you feel this and are aware of it tells you that you can be responsible.. you don't want to abuse the postion... many would. You dn't want to walk around like you own the place... you wont!.. Life sometimes throws things at us at a fast pace, and sometimes you just have to go with the flow and grab onto the oportunies that arise. If you did not go for this job.. you would kick yourself later for not doing so.

Use the past as a guide, you will be aware of the signs if things should go tits up like before, you are wiser now.. and have more of a grip on who you are and what you are capable of, be it good or bad. This means you will have more control over your actions in the future. You were not aware of thise before untill it happend.. this time it will be different, It can be different.

No one or any event can change who you are, only you can do this. Obviously a bad experience can affect us, sometimes in a most dramatic way but learning from our experiences and from our mistakes and successes is what moulds us.. It is natural to fear the unknown, to fear responsibilty when we have not had such before.. but think of it as a great adventure. You don't know until you try. :)

02-05-09, 01:44
The fact that you feel this and are aware of it tells you that you can be responsible.. you don't want to abuse the postion... many would. You dn't want to walk around like you own the place... you wont!.. Life sometimes throws things at us at a fast pace, and sometimes you just have to go with the flow and grab onto the oportunies that arise. If you did not go for this job.. you would kick yourself later for not doing so.

Use the past as a guide, you will be aware of the signs if things should go tits up like before, you are wiser now.. and have more of a grip on who you are and what you are capable of, be it good or bad. This means you will have more control over your actions in the future. You were not aware of thise before untill it happend.. this time it will be different, It can be different.

No one or any event can change who you are, only you can do this. Obviously a bad experience can affect us, sometimes in a most dramatic way but learning from our experiences and from our mistakes and successes is what moulds us.. It is natural to fear the unknown, to fear responsibilty when we have not had such before.. but think of it as a great adventure. You don't know until you try. :)

Yes I suppose that's all very true. I mean I'm wiser to stick in at a job now especially as there is not many jobs about. I mean I don't want to walk about like I own the place..but part of me does so I feel I do want to abuse that responsibility but as you say I won't know until I try.

I have no idea what kind of boss I would be...I mean I would not even be the big boss just a little more than a normal assistant would. One of my friends gave me an insight into the kind of work and said it's good. I've had 4 years customer experience and feel I want a career and as I know I enjoy this most it would be a good one. The whole recession interests me and I enjoy business and I feel I'd get a buzz from meeting targets. I had a job before where I could push myself on commission at first I worried but soon loved the buzz and I was almost as good as the manager at selling magazines. So another worry is I become too interested in the job..I'd have no time for anything else...all such a contrast where I moan about my job the now...

So even if I was a posh boss or somebody to thought he was great maybe that's just me and part and parcel of life? Like I'd have more money and I suppose I'd be enjoying the job? I don't think I'd be nasty but there's a guy at my work who has changed since he became a team leader. I feel I'm under valued where I work now but if I go for the mid level I still want to strive to the higher eventually.

It's all maturity, experience, scared of the unknown. I guess what will be will be..If it never worked I could leave that job for another...I know it's all silly..:doh: