View Full Version : Girl question - yeast infections

30-04-09, 20:26
I am in the midst of my first yeast infection and am getting a little paranoid and am hoping you will all bring me back down to earth on this. I was having some unusual itching, went to the GYN, who diagnosed me with a mild yeast infection and prescribed the one dose pill (Diflucan?). I took the pill the same day, and now, three days later, things seem worse, not better! So I, in the great health anxiety tradition, and starting to worry about all kinds of unlikely things - I have yeast running rampant in my body (also causing my ongoing sinus issues, of course), my immune system is off and that is why the yeast are there and won't clear, my doctor was wrong and it isn't yeast (this worry is a rare one, since she looked under the microscope and I can usually convince myself that she couldnt make that mistake).
I am utterly embarassed at myself, since I know this is a common female problem, but would still appreciate hearing if anyone has advice/suggestions for additional ways to get rid of this, and fast!

30-04-09, 21:12
Ya the pill doesn't work for me either and I get worse. take the over the counter 7 day cream and it will go away.

30-04-09, 22:37
Hello , yes this is a very common problem for us ladies , dont be embaressed , you should avoid using any toiletrys ie soap , bathlotion , anything perfumed just wash in luke warm water , dont wear anything to tight and cotton panties are advisable , you should find a perfumed free soap etc from local chemist , take care Dusky x

01-05-09, 00:30
Pro biotic yoghurt is your friend.

As well as taking it orally (eating it)

Dip a tampon in the yoghurt and insert it (you know where) change the tampon very regularly. Garlic purée added to the yoghurt enhances the efficacy.

Changes in you diet can also help: remove all products that contain yeast and or fungi.

If you are sexually active your partner has to be treated too

01-05-09, 00:37

I feel your pain sweetie!

I fluctuate between Yeast infections and Cystitus (similar sort of thing, but where your urine becomes too acidic and burns, yeowch!) and I seem to have one or the other almost constantly.

Best thing to do is drink plenty of water and Cranberry juice to flush your system out, and I am in full agreement about the cotton panties and loose fitting clothes, and also not using scented soap.

Canesten cream (and oral pill) are good stuff too.

Hope you are feeling better soon! Try not to worry about it, I sincerely doubt it is anything more sinister if the doc has seen it through a microscope to confirm what it is.

Danny xxx

01-05-09, 04:07
Hello , yes this is a very common problem for us ladies , dont be embaressed , you should avoid using any toiletrys ie soap , bathlotion , anything perfumed just wash in luke warm water , dont wear anything to tight and cotton panties are advisable , you should find a perfumed free soap etc from local chemist , take care Dusky x

ohh i agree to this. I use only natural soap now and it;s helped and also natural soap to wash my clothes also.

10-07-16, 02:34
I know this post is very old but I have been having the same problem for a while. I either have a yeast infection or cystitis constantly and it's been that way for.the past year. I need reassurance..