View Full Version : Being assessed for mental health

21-08-05, 14:14
I went to the doctors 3 weeks ago about how i was feeling i've suffered 8yrs and never told anyone. I wrote her a letter about how i felt and what feelings i get. She read it then asked me to take anti d's whilst she refered me to get help.
I got the letter from the mental hospital 2weeks ago and felt ok about it but didnt like the sound of being assessed now its only 3days to go and i just want to phone up and cancel as M my best mate says its the way out of this i no she's right but i feel scared and part of me would perfer to stay like this than go to the hospital on wednesday.
I dont like being like this but at the same time i dont like the feelings i get when i have to go somewhere i dont want to go.
I just wanna run away from it all. I feel out of my safe zone.
My mind is doing over time im having panic attacks all day which are wearing me out. Then at nite i cannt sleep cos of wednesday running through my mind.
Thank you for taking the time to read this

21-08-05, 14:24
Hi South.
Sorry you are feeling so bad, most people would in this situation, hospital visits, dentists,etc.....the only thing i can say is, maybe (if you manage to get to the hospital) they will be able to help, also put your mind at rest and give you good advice, you do not have to take or do anything you do not wish to, that is entirely up to you. The difficult part, as you say, is actually getting there, is there anyone who could go with you? can you get a lift there? i'm clutching at straws here but if you do have to cancel it may be along time until another appointment becomes available...listen to me..mrs. wise owl, i have problems getting to the local shops on many occasions!!!!take care and keep in touch xxxxxxx

21-08-05, 14:59

It probably means you will be assessed by a member of the community mental health team - usually a nurse.
The assessment is standard practice. From there you will get referred to whomever she thinks can help you the best.

I hope you decide to go as from there you may get the real help you need.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-08-05, 15:16
Being assessed is nothing to worry about, my assessment involved answering questions, filling in a few forms and a discussion of my problems. Then they decide whether to refer you for therapy etc.
Good luck,

21-08-05, 16:05
Hi hun,

Please don't worry about wednesday, you are actually alot stronger than you give your self credit for lady,lol. We have been speaking now for a while and I personally would say that you can do this on wednesday, you just have to believe you can.

I have 100% faith in you for wednesday, I know that you'll make it, because deep down you know that you need this assesment. As I have said to you before they are only there to help and do what is best for you, so it can't be bad really, can it?

Instead of worrying yourself sick about 'oh my god I have the doctors on wednesday what are they going to think of me? are they going to think I'm crazy?!', just tell yourself 'I have the doctors on wednesday, they are going to help me feel better and I'll be ok'. And no your not crazy you just have a few problems that you need help with working through. We all need help at some point. You know by now it's all about thinking and right now your thinking bad of the whole thing.
Look at me last friday at my assesment I was a wreck, I didn't sleep the night before, I was shaking, shortness of breath, nose bleeds ect to get there and everything be fine! When I left I was still a bit shaken but relieved I was ok. You'll find the same on Wednesday I promise., you will be fine.

Cant you get your friend to go with you on wednesday? have you told her about it?

If you still feeling bad later hun you know I'm always here for you so just pm me on msn, ok.

Sorry about thismorning, having a bit of a bad day my self.

Speak to you later, take carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

21-08-05, 16:57
Hi South,

Please try not to worry to much it is just an assessment which can start the ball rolling to get you on to recieving the help you deserve.

I hope it goes well for you.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

21-08-05, 17:31
Hi South,

I'm just the same with appointments and anything that takes me out of my comfort zone too.

I think Weds will be a brilliant step forward cos then the right advice can be given for whatever is your particular worry.

I've now registered with nopanic for their telephone course - there is no shame in asking for assistance along the path of getting better is there afer all you'd never attempt to mend a broken leg on your own would you.

Don't fret about it till Weds as you will kick yourself Weds night for giving yourself unecessary days of grief.

Will see you in chat soon.

Love Pig x:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

kate H
21-08-05, 17:46
Hi South,

Just wanna say good luck for Wednesday, would it be an idea to take someone with you that you trust? Even if they sit in the car, just so you know they are there. I know whenever I go for a follow up at the docs my Mum just sits in the waiting room its just reassuring knowing she is there in case I need her?

Hope it all goes well


.......Is your past barging in on your future? Make a better 2morrow 2day.......

21-08-05, 17:55
Thank you for all your kind words they mean alot to me. On wednesday when its over i no i will b like why did i worry so much for. M my best mate is coming with me she's been with me all the way for the past 3 yrs she is great and always kicks me when i need it.
I'm such a shy person it may not seem it to those who no me thats cos im hiding behind a keyboard but when it comes face to face i freeze up and wont talk.
I hate talking to ppl i dont no, i dont trust ppl i dont no.

21-08-05, 18:58
Hi again South,
I was just thinking, i understand how hard it is when facing people, would it be at all possible for you and your friend to, maybe, write down some things that you wish to ask, or any information that maybe easier written down, i know when panicking you just tend to forget everything, try and make a note of things beforehand, sorry to go on, it's just i know how i would feel in this situation. take care and keep in touch.xxxx

Sue K with 5
21-08-05, 19:16
hi South

by not going honey you are denying yourself the chance to find answers to how you feel and for a potential opportunity to live as normal a life as you deserve, Nerves play a major factor and the fear that they wont have the answer will definately be playing on your mind at the moment

Take a risk honey! go for the assessment I have done it and it was good ! I now have the CBT so it was worth it

sue with 5


23-08-05, 00:20
good luck for wednesday hun and try not to let the nerves get the better of you i,m sure m will help you through it take care south


23-08-05, 07:10
i had been ill for over 2 years and my doc suggested i see a nurse to be assesed for mental health which worried me,she came to my home and its the best thing that happended,before she came i had not been diagnosed with anything,within a hour she said i was suffering with anxiety,which was GAD,over the next 8 weeks she was a great help,she got me out of the house that was last oct/nov now i feel a lot better,i can shop,have nights out etc.try and go i am sure it will help you,good luck south

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

23-08-05, 08:36

Just wishing you lots of luck for Wednesday's appointment, let us know how you get on. Its good your friend is going with you, you have the support you need and we are all here for you to. Stay strong South and let us know what the outcome of the appointment is and what assistance they are going to give you to get on your road to recovery.

Take care and speak to you soon

Sax xx[8D]

23-08-05, 08:55
hi south[8D]
just wishing you luck for wednesday hun
let us know how you get on
love michelle xxx

23-08-05, 11:51
Hi South,

We all understand how scary it is being out of our safety zone but I really do hope that you go to the appointment, they are, after all, there to help you.

Glad to see that you will have your friend with you, that will help you no end.

Let us know how you get on wont you?

Love Auntie Kate xxx

23-08-05, 18:24
Thank u for all your support it means alot. Tomorrow is getting nearer and nearer im so panicky rite now. Ive had headake all day and havent sleept in 2days.
Im still so scared about tomorrow i just keep thinking of ways to get out of it.
Love South

23-08-05, 18:46
Hi South,

Kinda weird as when it was an assessment by the mental health team that that broke the cycle of my panic attacks at that particular time.

You dont have to go into all sorts of detail when you see them - they really need to know the severity of your condition and give you the right kind of treatment.

For example, when I went down to Bridgewell House the first time several years ago I ended up in a group doing relaxtion classes - this time I've been seeing an occupational therapist as I was struggling with housework or paid work lol.

Hope all goes well tomorrow,

Be strong,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker