View Full Version : Massive Step backwards

30-04-09, 20:35
I feel a massive step backwards with this swine flu and my health anxiety. I had learned to cope and control my fears with health, this feels like i have gone back to the start.

Am i ill am i not - i have no idea if its the anxiety/depression (whisch i was on meds for 2 years ago) or am i really ill?

30-04-09, 21:00
Hi again :) please try not to worry to much about this swine flu, I know its really crap at the moment with it all in the papers and media. This doesn't mean your gonna get it. My god i remember when the Aids campagin came out, my god I felt that everyone had it, and course freaked out that I had it too! It wasn't in proportion to the risk, it did create mass hysteria.

We have to remember that we are FULLY equipped to deal with it here in the UK, no one here has died from it here, and those who have had it are making a recovery. The couple from Scotland are now out of hospital and back home.

Also anxiety and worry can make you feel pretty bad, you can get almost any symptom, from headaches, bodily aches and pains, feeling tired and lethargic, when i am feeling really bad, my body aches!!! i go dizzy and feel spaced out, my heart races, I'm cold and feel sweaty. This itself is bad enough, let alone thinking I have something seriously wrong with me. But because I have HA I link my anxiety symptom's to other diseases, believing that I am ill. I did the same with Jade Goody and cervical cancer, every-time i got a stomach ache i would relate it to that, it would go round and round in my head, its not surprising that i drove myself crazy with it all.

So what you are hearing on the news now with swine flu makes sense that you feel like you do, you are focusing all your thoughts on it, your body reacts to the anxiety, you then feel tired, get a headache, feel achy, your thoughts turn to the one thing in the news!! Swine Flu, Unfortunately a vicious cycle you then believe that is what u have.

My heart goes out to you, it really it does, take one day at a time, and if you feel bad talk to your doctor, they are there to help. :bighug1:

30-04-09, 22:03
I'm trying to tell myself i feel ill because of what i'm constantley reading/watching/listening to about swine flu. I feel like have done previously when i get obcessed with an illness - previous favorites Heart Attack, blood poisoning, diabeties and many others.

Wish i could just get on with things and not keep stressing myslef out about these

30-04-09, 22:08
Hi jaxon

Today my little boy had a sore throat, cold and temperature and the first thing that came to my mind was swine flu. Had I not heard about this and the news wasn't full of it I would have just accepted that he had a bad cold and needed to rest a few days.

Please try not to worry about this the chances of getting it are very slim.


01-05-09, 14:28
I have now banned myself from reading any news story for swine flu incase it lists the symptoms. Since i read the symptoms i'm now convinced i have it. I'm sure its just my hay fever that is causing my blocked nose and sinus pains. My upset stomach is probably down to my worrying of the situation

01-05-09, 14:41
Hi Jaxon,

I feel the same as you, constantly worrying about it, i really have been making myself ill, at one point all I had on was sky news.My HA is sky high. My stomach has been really bad due to all of this, thank goodness i have my omeprazole to control the acid. I live in Falkirk not too far from it all. I've now banned myself from watching the news all day and try just to catch it in the morning and evening. Hang in there hopefully it will get better soon, take care xx

01-05-09, 19:53
Person at working is no joking about how ill his wife is, they have been traveling, he said he felt but still came to work. He was told by the doc. to stay at home but he decided to come in. He traveled back from Japan in 26th and has been through 3 different airports so he could brought the virus with him to work but then again he might not and i could just be stressing about nothing