View Full Version : Help coming off Citalopram

30-04-09, 21:16
Hi everyone I am new to this site, I have been on Citalopram for just over four months and my doctor took me off it last week and I wondered if anyone can help with their experience of coming off Citalopram. I have been off it for about 10 days and feel really dizzy, sicky, faint and keep crying. Seems worse in the evening can anyone help?

30-04-09, 21:19
Hi and :welcome:

We have a whole forum dedicated to this medication so please take some time to have a read of the posts in there.


30-04-09, 22:09
Hello and Welcome to NMP , Lots of help advice and understanding here , glad you found the site , i hope you feel better soon , take care:welcome:Dusky x

30-04-09, 22:29
Hi Pussycat,

Im glad im not alone, iv been off the citalopram for six days and im having episode's of feeling not all there and the dizziness comes and goes, i was wondering does anyone know how long it stays in your system for???

01-05-09, 09:07
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, lots of good advice on here, take care xx

01-05-09, 09:37
Hi pussycat, Welcome to the site. I have been here for a week and found it very helpful. Hope you do too. Hug.

01-05-09, 15:59
Hi Pussycat,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. If your doctor did not wean you off the meds, I would call him and tell him how you are feeling and see if they can wean you off of them. Glad you found us, you are not alone!

Take care,


01-05-09, 18:47
Hi pussycat,

I have been on citalopram for years some years ago and worked very well while I was on it. At the time my panick were not so bad like now.
I'm obviously not a doctor and sorry for putting a doubt on your mind but I have read and personally experienced that antidepressant should be taken for at least 6months to be most effective...and one should not stop taking them just because start to feel better after a few months...maybe u should have a word with your doctor about it.
About the side effects of getting off citalopram....they are a lot for what i experienced....difficulty to sleep, palpitation, tiredness and many more but for me the worst was electricshockes i was feeling over my body every time i moved!!! U must come off it very very slowly....maybe over a couple of month...

take care....x