View Full Version : urgent urination???

30-04-09, 21:27
can this be part of anxiety???

since iv had issues with my bowels, fissures and bleeding etc i havs noticed at times when i need a wee there is no hanging around!! i have been drinking more espec water/ orange/prune juice to keep stools soft so obviously am going more frequently but sometimes it such a strong urge i wander what would happen if i was not near a loo!!!

30-04-09, 21:42
Em - loads of posts about this so read the similar threads below. At the bottom of the screen.

30-04-09, 21:42
Please have a read of this ...



30-04-09, 21:50
yes, that's a big symptom that comes and gos

30-04-09, 21:54
Hi there, I have suffered with exactly the same problems. It started suddenly when I was on holiday last year and I first thought I had a urinary infection. I would just have to pee and no waiting, it was almost painful. I would go 20 or so times a day some days. I have also suffered with constipation and bleeding etc and if I am constipated it irritates my bladder too.

I would say to lay off the fruit juices a bit, I can't do fruit and juices, its too acidic and irritates my bladder making the frequency and urgency much worse. I know this is a pain when you are constipated as fruit helps with this, but you could try some fibregel or something similar instead and see if your bladder settles down.

I definitely think anxiety affects the bladder too, the more you worry the worse it gets and so on. However, there are many many common problems than can make your bladder sensitive and lots of treatments for it too. I am on a very low dose of amitriptyline and it works wonders!

30-04-09, 22:13
thanks, i am not constipated just have to have extra extra soft stools to stop the fissures i have from bleeding!! you re prob right tho the fruit juices are probably not helping at all!!

30-04-09, 22:40
Did the other posts reassure you as well?