View Full Version : Using nature to fight swine flu

30-04-09, 22:54
I have been doing a lot of reading and have found this:



So if you can stick the taste and don't have any problems eating/taking garlic (ie interactions with other medications or allergy) I suggest eat as much as you can!!!!

I think i will give it a go :)

30-04-09, 23:43
Holly, you would be better off washing your hands than eating a whole lot of garlic. It just isn't necessary, especially given the number of cases in your country. they have closed 5 schools here in the past few days and we are not freaking out here. It isn't a big deal even if you do get it. People get the flu all the time and they're fine. Everyone here who has had it is now doing better or fine.

I don't mean to sound harsh or minimize your fears but that's all they are...fears without enough cause for that much concern right now. I have my Purell and following ever precaution but I am not going to catch it walking in the street! The whole key is to keep it off of your hands and face and not go around hugging and kissing people and keeping a little distance until this blows over. But again, where you are, it is not a big concern. I am right in the midst of it and believe me, nobody here is wearing masks or freaking out.

Garlic can't hurt though and does have antiviral properties, so if you actually like it, I can give you my favorite recipe (really, my absolute favorite thing to eat!) Only thing is, I walk around with it coming out of my pores and scalp for days, argh! Worth it though, it's delicious!

01-05-09, 08:58
Hi Lauren6, personally I'm not worried about swine flu here, I might have HA but it affects me in a different way.

I was interested to read that garlic does have anti-viral properties and loads more benefits and that it strengthens your immune system. Which can't be a bad thing!! especially for people with low immunity, as they could benefit from it, its used for AIDS patients so it must do something good : )

Just a thought that's all : )

Would love to here of your recipe, that would be great xxxxx

01-05-09, 12:14
Hi Holly, ok, here goes...really easy recipe. Boneless chicken breasts, put them in a baking pan, maybe line it with aluminum foil to make cleanup easier. Pour olive oil over chicken and some extra because this makes the sauce. Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper and lots of oregano. Chop up a bunch of garlic cloves and put them on top of chicken and around it. Put in oven for about 40 minutes. Don't overcook because they will get dry, they have to be tender. That's it! Keep the sauce around the plate because the best part is dipping each piece if chicken into it.

This is a healthy recipe because of the garlic, and olive oil is good for the heart. Also, the chicken skin is off so that's better. I find that this does not taste good with the dark parts of the chicken which I usually prefer. Hope you like it!

01-05-09, 23:57
Hey Lauren6 thanks so much for the recipe, i will definitely use it. I love garlic so i will certainly enjoy this : )

I am at the moment using myself as a guinea pig!! testing out how effective eating raw garlic is! sounds a bit vile I know, but at the moment i feel great!! And it will cause me no harm by doing it.

Thanks xxxx