View Full Version : Petrified - What else can I do ?

01-05-09, 07:35

Will not go into any detail, only I've lost my brother.

I have no idea where he is and he's been feeling so ill lately, depressed, anxious/panic and has recently spoken to me in the last few days, explaining that he can't find a way out,.. has mentioned the S word and I'm petrified.

He's been missing since yesterday afternoon. I'm in pieces, am worried sick and there's nothing I can do.

What else can I do ? I've called around his friends, have been everywhere.

My bf has gone away this morning, he's climbing the 3Peak Challenge in 24hrs. Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon for Charity.

I feel alone and I don't know what else I can do. Been so upset all night and haven't slept.

When should I call the police, is it after 24hrs ?


01-05-09, 08:25
Katie, you must be frantic and my heart goes out to you. I agree that if you call the police now they will be very helpful. Just tell them what you have told us. Please let us know how you get on.

01-05-09, 10:16
Thanks for your support and to those in chat this morning.

I've just found out he's in hospital. This is all I know right now, no details,.. nothing, only that police have been involved.

Just praying he's ok :emot-crying: . What a mess.

01-05-09, 10:28
:hugs: katie, im sorry to hear this - just to say i know its not good, but he is alive? i know thats not much consolation to you coz this is still a messy situation for you and one that you could prob do without - but he is alive:) be strong:hugs:

01-05-09, 12:09
thinking of u both x

01-05-09, 13:48
Katie, I am so glad he is safe, that is the main thing. Hope all goes well for you:hugs:

01-05-09, 14:16
Katie. Oh you have gone through it. My thoughts are with you. I would have gone into panic myself. Thank goodnes you know where he is now. let's hope he recovers soon. Send you kind thoughts

01-05-09, 15:21
Oh Katie, what a nightmare for you. (((hugs)))

I hope all is ok. Thinking of you and your brother hun.


01-05-09, 16:04
Katie, so sorry to hear of your trouble. What a horrible thing to have to cope with. I hope everything turns out ok for you both. I'm thinking of you.:hugs:

01-05-09, 17:32
Thanks for your messages.

Today has been an entire mess.

I've had a huge argument with my bro's gf, this girl is insane, she had been punching my brother in the face last night, just a horrible, nasty piece of work.

Today, I had to go around and collect his clothes, obviously wasn't very happy to see her, but I was polite and said i'll wait outside. Something in my tone made her shout and shout and shout at me :weep: . I then lost my temper, I know I shouldn't have and should have just walked away, but it was a reaction and I shouted back :weep: . We were then screaming at eachother. Jeezzz , the workmen in the street were getting some entertainment:scared15:. She then hit me and slammed the door on my face !

I've been in a mess all day crying, but have now calmed down and can now see a funny side to it, in some sort of bizarre way:unsure: .

Thanks to those who I have spoken to in chat today,.. you've helped me laugh, so thanks for that :).

Ohhh boy. My dad went round to collect his clothes in the end and the workmen shouted that they were all waiting for round 2 !!:doh: :whistles:She'd slung all his clothes out in the road. I wouldn't mind, but my poor brother did nothing wrong.

Oh hell,.. I just can't wait for this day to end.

Remind me not to drink tonight :winks:.

I still haven't slept, i'm running on nervous energy. God I feel ill.

01-05-09, 18:53
You poor thing Katie! no wonder you feel so bad. Ihope your brother gets better soon ,and you feel better after a good sleep. Take care and hugs to you both.:bighug1: :bighug1: luv Sue xx

01-05-09, 18:56
she sounds awful id of hit her back but then thats me lol, sorry to hear your having a rough few days ,can always pm me if need to talk anytime as we have in past hope your brother is ok very soon
