View Full Version : Ladies - please help

01-05-09, 08:02
I was diagnosed with Polycystic ovary syndrome about 10 years ago as my periods have always been irregular. Most years i only have about 5 -6 periods which has never really bothered me.
Anyway i managed to get pregnant after a long time trying last year and had my first baby in December. Since then i have had a period every month which obviously is very good. However i have come on today but it has only been 14 days since the first day of my last period, and this worries me.
I have a smear test every 12 months as 9 years ago i had abnormal cells removed. I only had my last smear 4 weeks ago and am still waiting for my results.
Anyone else have any problems like this, could it be hormones settling down ?.
Any advice would be helpful thanks.

01-05-09, 08:13
Firstly congrats on having your baby, as you say with polycystic ovaries your periods are irregular, i dont suffer from this but a friend does. I would say that your hormones have been all to pot after having the baby and your body is settling down now and going back to how it was before with the irregular periods which was normal for you annoying I bet. But as I always say if your worried just pop along and see your doctor it's what they are there for and they will be able to put your mind at rest and explain everything a bit better, but it's nothing to worry about, hope that helps a bit take care xx