View Full Version : Anxiety in the Morning

01-05-09, 08:06
I was just curious if anyone has any ideas on why my anxiety is worst in the morning. Does anyone suffer from this, I find it weird. I wake up sometimes really early and my stomachs churning, I can feel shakey with a general feeling of dread about the day ahead , I lie there see what aches and pains I have, or if the pain say I had yesterday is still there which then causes me to be more anxious, I then usually head off to the loo :shrug: and that's me up for the day.
It takes me a while to feel calm but as the day goes on I do get slightly better then its time for bed and it starts over again , I find it exhausting at the moment. Does anyone suffer from this and any advise on how to combat it, as i'm finding it hard to cope with at the moment. xx

tayside lassie
01-05-09, 08:12
feel like that in mornings too ..can take an hour or two before i feel upto anything ... horrible feeling

01-05-09, 08:46
Before i went on meds i was like this, i dreaded the mornings. I don't know why it is though, it helped me just to get straight out of bed and not allow myself to lie there otherwise i would make myself worse. I made myself busy and this really helped. I am now on meds and i know they are not for everybody but they have really helped my anxiety and i can finally get peace from constantly checking myself iykwim. I still get bad days though like everyone else and i think we just have to accept them and i know its gonna take a long while to get better. I found a really good book called 'At last a life' by Paul David and it really helps understand anxiety and definately explain why you feel they way you do. Take care

01-05-09, 09:27
Same story here really, dread the mornings, chilled out by the evening. Meds did help when I was on them but I've been generally coping without them so I'm averse to going back on them just for that. The only other advice is not to lie there but fling back the covers and leap into the shower. I used to lie there for up to an hour, repeatedly hitting the snooze button. It really doesn't help...:lac:

01-05-09, 09:57
I feel the same as well always shakey and anxious in the mornings and when going to bed.

01-05-09, 10:04
I am exactly the same - I wake up -about 5 seconds of bliss then the panic sets in.

I can only echo what other people have said. It is easier to stay in bed but it is better if you get up.

Take care


01-05-09, 10:05
yes, sounds like to story of my life the last few months. I think i'm getting over it though.. you have to push though it. This morning I amazingly woke up with no shaking. Maybe try a anti anxiety pill for a few nights( like 3 or 4) to sleep well and that might help.

01-05-09, 11:30
I hate the mornings, i always wake and have heavy arms and feel so anxious. It takes about an hour for me to feel better but today had an awful morning and still feel poorly now!!! Does anyone else get funny arms!!! ?

01-05-09, 12:46
yes im just the same morning were always worse by the afternoon i was feeling a lot better and by evening i was fine im on the meds cit and i find my anx is very low now they have kicked in im much more at ease :shades: out i think getting up and putting the kettle on and the radio or telly helped a lot lying in bed didnt help me dwelling on things much better too up and at em*

01-05-09, 14:13
Finding the will and strength to get up and face all this is really hard. The fear of feeling full of anxiety with all the digestive add-ons makes me shake and sweat (sometimes shiver). Some times I just pace around not knowing where to settle or what to do. Anyone get this symptom? Yes, the day gets better. I trust that many find that after forcing some food down the situation eases too? We need to give each other the encouragement and motivation to beat these things. I am embarking on some hypnotherapy and have listened to a couple of downloaded relaxation recordings. "Every little helps" I guess.

01-05-09, 14:23
Well its great to know im not alone in feeling the way I do , isn't it strange how it affects us all. I don't lie in my bed in the morning as sometimes i'm up at 6.30 with the anxiety, but it does take me a while to settle down and get going and the anxiety doesn't really ease much until late afternoon, but its really interesting to read how it does affect other people in a similar way xx

claire m
01-05-09, 14:28
hi kitty i dont suffer from anxiety first thing but i sleep terribly and getting up in a routine is difficult for me but i have 2 children who rely on me so i have to.
i find it increasingly difficult to get motivated and truthfully just want to lie in bed all day.
As the day progresses the anxiety builds and builds until i sleep and i guess it doesnt end there as i struggle to sleep.
I have changed my meds so im hoping things will pick up.

01-05-09, 14:34
Hi Claire , I also have 2 kids so like you I have to get up in the morning, I did find when I was on meds it did help a bit, but am trying not to go on them as I really don't want the weight gain again, although I have to admit i'm not coping great at the moment with it all. I don't sleep well anyway so I guess it just adds to the anxiety.Hopefully the change of meds will work for you and help you get a better sleep, take care now xx

01-05-09, 15:44
I there, I too am definitely more anxious in the mornings, I think I just dread facing the day with the threat of having ectopic heartbeats & PANIC ATTACKS.......

01-05-09, 16:13
Oh how well I know this feeling. It's absolutely the worst. I wake every day with churning stomach and anxiety, usually about 5 o clock. I can't lie there but can't face getting up to face the day either. If I get up at that time the day will seem to last forever. It's long enough when you feel anxious as it is.
I am having cbt to help get over this anxious waking as my psychiatric nurse says that I am now anticipating it every day and I need to get out of the habit. I get up feeling like this and just feel that the rest of the day will continue in the same way and it usually does! As my doctor tells me, my glass is very much half empty and not half full! I really have to try and be more postive I know. So hard when this goes on day after day, isn't it?:unsure:

01-05-09, 16:36
Can i join in too?
I wake up usually about 4am or 5am...feel ok for 2 secs, then panic sets in and off i go all over again, but i tend to home in on my breathing which starts me off. So normally i put the tv on to take my mind off (thats if its not still on from the night before) or if the hubbys has managed to prize the remote out of my hand without waking me up to turn it off as i fall asleep watching it:) ....and with my laptop on too:)
Like others have said probably best to get up as it does help, especially on a nice morning i get up and water the garden as i find that really relaxing.
Hope you feeling better.
Take care

01-05-09, 17:42
i used to have this but the solution for me was to get up (no matter how early) and make a cup of coffee and go for a walk or walk to the local coffee shop and walk back. as long as i was briskly walking outdoors for at least 30 mins (and often with headphones) it cleared up. now i'm anxious at night. go figure.

01-05-09, 19:51
I hate mornings! I wake up anxious - it's not as bad as I was at my worst but it's still not nice. morning's are by far the worst for me!

01-05-09, 19:55
hi kitty...heres your pal!!! I get all of these feelings in the morning it takes me till midday to feel better...

01-05-09, 20:50
Thank You for posting this! I just joined as a new member. For months, I have been plagued by the dredful "Morning Bitkrieg", my name for it. It seems to hit hard as a lightning bolt, I lose all sense of reality of good and rational thinking. It paralyzes me! I havea system of trying to lay down, recite through my mind blessings to count, my own thoughts can't seem to reach me! You seem like a great group and I think I'm going to love being here!

01-05-09, 20:58
I also find mornings are the hardest time of the day. If I am particularly worried about something I find that I can sleep for Britain, and find it really difficult to get out of bed. As the day goes on it seems to improve, and normally by evening I can cope reasonably well. I also find I lose my appetite and feel generally shakey & have a tummy full of butterflies. It does help knowing that I am not alone, although for years I really thought I was! So glad to have found this site

02-05-09, 09:39
Hi Coping Hoping and:welcome:, your not alone as you can see, it still just amazes me how many of us suffer from the crippling anxiety in the morning it does reassure me though xx

02-05-09, 15:25
Thank You for nice welcome. I'm gonna be here everyday, I feel I am falling apart, and for real reason. Just reading that I am not alone is a HUGE comfort. Have a great day, all!

02-05-09, 15:53
i have it too. when i wake up in the morning. the anxiousness makes me feel worse and it triggers my migraine. i dont want that anymore.. was it because of psychological problem.