View Full Version : Need help now. Please read.

01-05-09, 09:59
I am a lurker here, but need some help. I have suffered from anxiety for several years, but it is managed by avoiding certain situations that I find scary. I got out with a group of friends once every couple of month. I am fine as we always go to the same pub and my friends husband gives us a lift there and back. However, tonight she has pulled out as her husband is ill. I am terrified of having to get a taxi on my own there and back. I have been in a panic since she told me last night. I really want to see my friends as I don’t even leave the house very often.

There is no once to give me a lift and I don’t drive. My other friends live in a different part of town, so can’t taxi share.

I really want to go out as I have been so lonely the past few weeks and this is the one "normal" thing that I do. I am so scared. What can I to ease my fear?

02-05-09, 20:06

I'm not sure if the time for you to go out has gone - if so, did you manage it?
If it's not, then try to focus on seeing your friends, you said you really wanted to so focus on that. I always find if I've got something to look forward to then I can manage the anxiety a bit better. How far is it by taxi? Could you text/ring a friend when you get in the taxi and then again when you go home? What is it exactly about getting the taxi that worries you?

02-05-09, 21:51

I hope you managed to go out and meet your friends tonight if you did let us know how you got on. If you didn't manage to go then don't give yourself a hard time over it just accept that this time you couldn't do it but next time you might.


09-05-09, 09:36
Hi, Thanks for the replies.

I am worried about getting in the taxi alone as I fear rape/attack by the driver. I am also worried about him getting lost as this happened to me once before and I have not been in a taxi alone since.

I do go in the end, but my husband had to leave work early to pick me up, which really upset me as I HATE that I can't be independant and that he has to put himself out. He says he doesn't mind, but that isn't the point!