View Full Version : Kidney infection

kate H
21-08-05, 17:34
Hi All,

Wondering if anyone can help? Ive got a kidney infection for the second time in 2 months and its making me feel totally rotten. Are they common in people who have anxiety? I never used to get them before, am trying to fight it au natural with no anti biotics, am on cranberry tablets but I just wanna sleep all the time. Anyone have any advise? feelin pretty pants!


.......Is your past barging in on your future? Make a better 2morrow 2day.......

Sue K with 5
21-08-05, 19:06
Hi ya

I had a very bad kidney infection about 17 years ago now, it was diagnosed as severe anxiety to start with I eventually ended up in hospital it became so bad.

I would not say it is normal to suffer things like this but from experience it certainly made me extreemly anxious and very worried, I know find that I get days where I can feel my kidneys hurting and this can be brought on by additional stress so I tend to have a couple of gallons of water by me and I flush them out

Works a treat

if your worried go and see your doctor and explain your concerns

take care

Sue with 5


21-08-05, 19:12
i Kate,
Sorry you are feeling rough right now, i am going to do a granny lecture , i too, try to fight things au natural, but i know, if you take the antibiotics prescribed for your kidney infection, it will clear up in no time, believe me i am no expert, just in my opinion, a short course will work wonders.....xxxxxxxx

21-08-05, 21:43
Hi Kate,

having anxiety does not make you more prone to kidney infections apart from being run down.

If you have a kidney infection you do need antibiotics and don't mess around- take them, if you have a urine/ bladder infection you may get away with cranberry and lots and lots and lots of water of water.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-08-05, 22:50
Hi Kate,

Sorry to hear you have a kidney infection. I had this a couple of years ago, went to by GP and she gave me meds. It went in a couple of days.
Hope you feel better soon.



22-08-05, 08:27
Hi Kate

Sorry you are feeling poorly, Kidney infections are horrible. I have them quite regular and at first tried to clear them on my own by drinking water and cranberry juice. But on one occasion it was really bad so I went to docs, he gave me antibiobics and it cleared in no time. From then on whenever I get it I go straight to docs for antibiotics a few days and its cleared.

Go to docs and get some antibiotics you will feel better alot quicker.

Kazo x x

22-08-05, 20:23
I'd agree with the posters- Cranberry juice is a wonder drug! And it tastes nice. I used to get kidney infestions when I was in my early 20s and drinking a glass of cranberry juice every day, even when I didn't feel ill, really helped. I think another thing that caused my infection at the time was my diet. I was a student and my favourite drink was vodka with a splash of straight orange cordial (no wonder my kidneys complained). I stopped that drink and made sure I drunk lots more water. Another cause- according to my doctor at the time- was having a new boyfriend. Apparently 'getting to know someone and spending lots of time with them' (if you know what I mean!) can lead to cysistis which can lead to infections.
The best tip I ever had for dealing with cysistis was to drink lukewarm water- it really works. Get well soon

22-08-05, 20:25
PS I agree with other posters too- antibiotics are what you need right now

23-08-05, 15:17
Hi Kateh,

Hope you are on the mend now and feeling a bit better.

Love Piglet:)

28-08-05, 11:21
Hi there.

I also have a kidney infection (left cystitis too long without getting antibiotics). Its gone to my kidneys and have bad lower back pain (and shoulder pain?!) . I had a bad attack the other day and I'm unsure whether its the kidney infection or my anxiety geting worse. I wasn't hyperventilating but shaking all over and then sick and then teeth chatering so much cos I suddenly got freezing.

I just feel so on edge right now cos I'm scared of having another attack. My heart is on the go all the time.

I'm on my 4th week of prozac so also scared that it is that. Decided I'm going cold turkey from the prozac today! I just dont like it!