View Full Version : Can someone give me some peace in my mind??

01-05-09, 10:39
Hi guys, i really hope you can help me, i really need it now.

I have had extreme anxiety for some days now, last friday two bad panic attacks. Tuesday the same and between and after that high anxiety and fear level.

I feel shortness off breath, hunger for air, a little pressure in my chest and and tight throat.

I have checked ekg and did a big check up at the doctor 2 weeks ago, everything was fine.

I am just worried sick about this. I suffer from HA so i am afraid its something bad.

Is this symptoms from anxiety do you think?
Have anyone felt the same as i do now?

/ Daniel

01-05-09, 12:39
its exact same sympoms i get ive had ecgs aswell in the past and all was clear its difficult to belive thats it anxiety but it is

01-05-09, 13:12
I have gotten this to (I have had 3 ekgs, 2 echos, 1 stress test and 2 holters:blush: ) This is a very common symptom of anxiety and it is worse because you notice it and pay attention to it. It is so hard not to tho-I know. Hopefully soon, you will feel better but it is so hard when you feel it and not to worry. Take care!:bighug1:

01-05-09, 13:39
Daniel. I feel for what you are going through this. Anxiety is a curse. I am a depressive with hi anxiety its not easy. i have no answer. I can only send you my support and hope that things get better for you. Oh yes and a hug.

01-05-09, 14:40
Thanks to all who answeared to me.
It awful and i am scared that it is something wrong, that it isnt anxiety.

I guess it is a "normal" anxiety symtptom.

I try to not think about it but it is so hard. It is eating me up in a strange way.

01-05-09, 16:01
Dazo, it's anxiety :( unfortunately... don't let it win.

01-05-09, 16:23
Dazo, it's anxiety :( unfortunately... don't let it win.

Thanks, i will try to beat it by not taking notice to it.
It is only a very hard thing.
Cant understand why it is so hard to accept anxiety for what it is and not an illness!

Thanks again!

01-05-09, 20:49
Hi Dazo
I think most of us on here would tell you that HA is an illness and not one to be ashamed of either. I've had all the same symptoms as you in the past and my doctors have been very helpful with them and very understanding. Perhaps you could go back to your doctor and see what he can offer to help you? Anyway, anytime you're feeling stressed and need to let it out, just come on here!

I wish you well:flowers: