View Full Version : Now what???

01-05-09, 17:20
I had been dealing with a slight pain in my upper left side for a few weeks now (kind of between my ribs and tummy). Sometimes it subsided, but came back depending on my position. I figured it must be muscular because I have 2 kids who are over 30 pounds that I carry from time to time. And, perhaps, it still might be . .

I went to the doctor this week and he, too, thought it was muscular. It didn't even hurt when he was pressing on me, feeling my organs. He thought it would be best to do an ultrasound to be sure.

I just got the results back today and I am panicking and uncertain as to what to think. I have a couple lesions on my liver (which he said was common), a lymph node .. I think he said it was around my stomach, but I can't remember (again, he said some people get this without any concern), and my spleen is a little enlarged. He said he wasn't concerned, there was nothing real specific, but I am supposed to go for an ultrasound Tuesday just to be thorough.

I can't help but think it is something ominous. The strange thing is over the last year and even within the last 6 months, I have had lots of blood work drawn and everything has come back perfect. I have had an echo, X-rays of my chest, EKGs, MRI of my head, CT scan of my head, and everything was just fine. How could something devastating turn up out of nowhere?

I can't function today. I am sitting here thinking about all this (my OCD had kicked in!). I am terrified. Thank you for listening, I just needed to get this out. I tried to talk to my hubby about it and he just says, "You'll be fine. If there is anything, they can fix it." I feel like he is blowing off my concerns. True, the doctor (and even radiologist) wasn't overly worried about anything at THIS point, but my hubby and my doc aren't the patient here! :shrug: I am feeling alone. :weep:

01-05-09, 17:41
none of those things is that serious or unusual! they are just common findings that can happen to anyone, and they're being safe by doing further scans. don't worry!

01-05-09, 17:48
Hi. I don't know if this helps you feel better, but I know a few people who have an enlarged lymph node in the same area....and there is nothing wrong with them.

You will feel alot better after the ultrasound, but if you had serious problems in your liver and spleen, the blood work would have shown something right away, especially with all the enzymes in your blood work that they monitor.

I hope you feel better.

03-05-09, 21:34
Thank you both for posting. I made the mistake of looking things up today and got myself all into a frenzy -- certain I am on my death bed. I go for further testing on Tuesday . . wondering what will my verdict be . . . I keep telling myself all my blood work had been normal and if the radiologist found something life threatening or dangerous, I wouldn't be sitting here typing this right now. I would have been sent for further testing immediately. I hope I can gauge the seriousness of what was "observed" by that. Thanks for being there for me. I'll be sure to post the outcome. Hugs, Wiskers ~