View Full Version : Hi can anyone help me?

01-05-09, 19:24
I know this is out of the blew but i really need someone to talk to, please just something to help keep my mind occupied, im not mental honest i just really need some help any offers?


01-05-09, 19:45
hi Stacey - I know exactly how you feel - sometimes things just go round and round in your head & you need something to take your mind off of them. Here to help if I can

01-05-09, 20:26
I know exactly how you feel, i sometimes get that feeling, and i need help to distract me from my anxiety, this site is amazing, hope your okay. Ann

01-05-09, 22:51
Hi Stacey,
I've just logged on and seen your post. Of course you are not mental! We all have these times when we just need to speak to someone (even if it's just through these posts) to distract ourselves from our horrible thoughts and feelings. Everyone here is so supportive. I have been coming on myself a lot lately as I'm finding my anxiety really hard to cope with.
I hope you are feeling a bit better by now?:hugs:

01-05-09, 22:55
Hi stacey. I would love to talk with you. Sure your ok. this stuff happens we are here to help.