View Full Version : feelings of unreality and life...

01-05-09, 20:10
Hello all, I am new to this forum, but thought I'd give it a shot. I have been dealing with these feelings for about a month now. It all started when I had to have surgery and had many other things in my life that werent going the greatest... I had a pretty alarming panic attack which i went to the e.r for and since then can not seem to get over my anxieties and feelings of unreality... I start to even over ananlyze life and what is it actually...i know strange... i just feel so down at times and wonder if I will ever be the same again or if i will ever get over this feeling... it really scares me... I just want to be happy again and enjoy the blessings in my life... is that possible??? please just any words of wisdom or encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!

02-05-09, 08:51
Hi Hillz, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I can so relate to the feelings that you describe having - the feelings of unreality and thinking about life and what it is etc.. This depersonalization/derealization can be so scary but it is nothing to be afraid of. I have read that it is the bodies way of protecting itself from excess stress and anxiety. It has helped me so much to read of the experiences of others on here and that I am not the only one that feels like this.

I would always have thought 'Will I ever get over this feeling?' I think that it helps to 'accept' that it is nothing to be afraid of and not worry if it's there or not. I know that this isn't easy at times but gradually it becomes less scary and easier to deal with.

I have also recently got a book on Depersonalization/Derealization called 'Overcoming depersonalization and feelings of unreality' from amazon. I haven't read it all yet but from what I have read it explains it all very well.

I hope it helps to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling.

Best wishes :flowers:

02-05-09, 11:44
Hi Hillz,
Welcome, I think you'll find lots of help and kindness on her.

I totally recognise the things you are describing. I had a panic attack which led to D/R and D/P and i started to be very freaked out by life and feelingd of unreality.. This was all about 10 weeks ago now and i am on the mend and the thoughts that terrifed me a month ago dont hold any power over me now..
Wishing you lots of happiness and hope to catch up with you on here soon. xx

02-05-09, 17:46
Hello and welcome to NMP , Lots of help advice and understanding members here, hope you feel better soon , take care:welcome: Dusky x

03-05-09, 18:02
Hi Hillz,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will offer their support. I'm glad you found us.

Take care,
