View Full Version : emetophobia? anxiety attacks..

01-05-09, 21:57
Hey all,
I've just joined the site, I hope this was the right place to post this..


I've had an anxiety problem when I was younger, I used to freak out about being sick/anything to do with sickness, but I thought I had got over it, and that it had gone, but recently it's got really bad again. I don't know what triggers it, whether its stress or pressure or anything like that...but it seems to come from out of the blue.
When I start to feel the SLIGHTEST bit dizzy or sick, I then I panic that I'm going to collapse or something irrational like that, and then it spirals out of control and I panic so much.
my stomach churns up bigtime, my legs turn to jelly, I feel like I can't breath all the way in and I feel dizzy.
I feel like I need to get out of the sitation, away from people, and hide, and cry just for the release.
I'm pretty good at hiding the symptoms because this sometimes happens in the most awkward situations and I hate making a scene.
I feel like I'm going mad!
But noone understands it, none of my friends know what to say, and it's just a very lonely experience. Battling with my own demons.
Sometimes it's stays for days, I know it's always there, and I'm on edge waiting for the next attack.
I then I beat myself up for feeling that way and get very low and upset, like I am at the moment..

Everything in my life is negative. I'm 18 years old, and I can't look forward to nights out, being social and having fun like all my friends. I don't get excited about anything anymore, just nervous.
I'm finding it hard to go places now and I've never cried so much during the past few weeks.
Could it be depression?? I have no idea?!

I've been to the doctors once, and they basically told me in a roudabout way to get over it and deal with it myself, but I've been so bad again recently that I'm going back and telling them that it really is unbearable.
Do you think I may need to see a psyciatrist? counsellor? I don't know. I'm scared of talking to people about it.

I know it's completely irrational and pathetic, and all in my head, but it feels like it's ruining my life, making me feel negative about everything.. And if I can't enjoy my life, and WANT to get up in the mornings, then whats the point? you know?

Whoah. haha
Sorry for the long vent/rant!! but yeah, anyone else feel the same way at all?

Thanks for your help in advance..

02-05-09, 02:42
The vomiting phobia has been part of my life for years (I used to never be able to admit this or even say the word vomit). I feel for you because I know that this a really difficult one to deal with and often the phobia prevents us from doing many things we enjoy and results in panic attacks. We often blame ourselves and this is perpetuated by doctors who tell us to get over it (I suggest that you look at seeing another doctor).

Seeking assistance from a counsellor may be very helpful for you. I highly recommend that you research the person you are working with. Ask them about their experience, counseling techniques etc. If you feel that you do not "fit" with the counsellor move on to one that works well with you. Finally, always be aware that you are the expert in your situation and an active member in the counseling process. The role of the counsellor is to work WITH you, and ultimately you hold the reigns in your journey. In other words try not to be too nervous about talking about it because you have control. Also, a lot of people contend with emetephobia and panic attacks/ anxiety and a good counselor is aware of this and very supportive.

Another technique that has worked well for me over the years is to do the opposite of what my brain is telling me to do when I panic. Often I feel like running out the door, but I don't do that anymore. I push myself to go places, go on roller coasters, help friends that have the stomach flu (this is a VERY hard one and often done in little steps such as bringing over a bottle of ginger ale). The reason I mention this is because the hardest times for me is when I "give in" to the phobia. Avoiding the situations that make me uncomfortable reinforces the fear and ultimately I feel worse. With that said, if something seems too big, start with smaller steps. There are many things I still do in small steps...

Additionally, talk to friends or family members that you trust. They may not understand exactly, but relying on the support of the people around us really helps. Coming on here is also a great first step because there are many of us who have been or are in similar situations.

It sounds like you are very self aware, which an awesome trait that will really help you work through this. While this is really hard right now, know that you have the strength to make it through. Wishing you all the best...

02-05-09, 09:51
Hi Scarlett, thanks for reading and replying.

Yeah, I definitely blame myself, and get really angry with the fact that I have it. I don't understand why or where it has come from ! :(

I am going to consider counselling, after reading a lot of posts on here and onother forums who have found it helpful, if I don't, I don't think I'll ever get rid of it.

I've never tried that. Well, I do try and stay in the room for as long as I can, but I've never really forced myself to stay and get on with it. It seems like the only option is to run and hide. I will try that next time and see how it goes.

I've just started opening up to my family which has been good I think, just knowing that they know, but my friends don't really get it I don't think and so just ignore it when I get panicky, which is fair enough I don't blame them. I usually want to be on my own anyway when I get that way.

I just need to believe that it won't be there forever even though at the moment it seems like it will!
Thank you so much for your help.

05-05-09, 17:28
Hey all,
I'm 18 years old, and I can't look forward to nights out, being social and having fun like all my friends. I don't get excited about anything anymore, just nervous.
I'm finding it hard to go places now and I've never cried so much during the past few weeks.
Could it be depression?? I have no idea?!

Hey hun,

I can relate to you on sooo many levels. I have just turned 21 and I have suffered with emetophobia and the anxiety that comes with it since I can remember. As the years have gone by it has become worse, (a viscious circle). As I have learnt since having started CBT 3 weeks ago, the more I avoid situations I am uncomfortable with ie. travelling with someone who gets travel sick, public transport, going to town at night, hospitals ect. the harder it has become to confront them to the point of avoiding them altogether for the fear of vomit. As for socialising (what is it?) I isolate myself from everything where there is a risk of me being sick or someone else being sick. If I am going out somewhere I often work myself up so much about what could happen that I end up talking myself into not going.

Feel feel to PM me.

Beth x :)

18-09-09, 10:40
I have the same issue and I have ever since I was a young child. Its only recently come back, (I have panic disorder but being afraid of vomiting and my bodily functions is just returning... thanks brain...). It is really hard to deal with, I avoid going out, dont drink alcohol or any thing with caffeine in them, i avoid foods, dont drink milk.... all because im afraid of what it will do to my stomach. I just ate two slices of pizza and thats got me totally freaked out... I just sort of needed somewhere to let it all out with people who understand.
I am trying to muster the courage to face my fears and get on with my daily life, bu im finding it really hard to even do my job. im in a different location all the time and i hate being more than half an hour away from home 'just in case' something happens. I know its important to go though the fear and get on with it, go to a place or situation that is making you nervous because if you don't your letting fear win and its creating a bigger anxiety.
To anyone else who has this I honestly suggest taking little steps in the right direction. Do it at your own pace. Tell someone understanding, your mum, best friend... find a really understanding doctor, someone who wants to help. My doctor is great. She just sits there and listens and when she can tell I'm having a really hard time she makes me see her regularly til I can get an appointment with my psychologist. Everybody with anxiety of any kind needs someone to count on and bring in some rationality.
I'm there with you all.

Cell block H fan
18-09-09, 13:13
Fear of vomitting is basically fear of losing control, vomitting is out of our control. My daughter panics when she is sick, I have to try & calm her & encourage her to go with it, until its over! But it is over quite quick & we can all deal with it.
I used to be bad enough with Emetaphobe that I wouldn't eat out in restaurants, if I went to Mcdonals I would only have chips & if I went to my mums for xmas dinner, I would not touch the turkey! I'd hide it under veg & gravy & leave it. I used to get an upset stomach if the kids were ill, worrying I would catch it, had immediate runs!
Ive got a lot better as the years have gone on, I do think it gets better with time. That & the fact I ended up a single parent & had to deal with sick kids alone. I was also lucky I never suffered with morning sickness! I think him up there was looking out for me at the time!
I cant offer advice on how to sort it though, as I never faced the fear myself, it just got better as I got older. I dont like it still, but I dont think its any worse than the average person. No one will ever like being sick at the end of the day. I'm more scared of spiders now! One of those in the house can really upset a whole day for me! x

18-09-09, 13:27
:hugs: Oh honey :hugs:
I feel for you so very much. I don't have a fear of being sick. I worry about my heart, but I completely understand the feelings of being alone. I have a very understanding husband, but at my worst I still feel completely and utterly alone. He's sympathetic, but obviously he can't truly understand. You do feel like you're going mad, don't you? :weep: Anyway, we all understand here :) Sending you great big hugs sweetheart. xxx:hugs: