View Full Version : starting citralopram

01-05-09, 23:33
Hi everyone, i'm new on here, have started my citralopram this morning 20mg, felt nauseas most of day but found that eating did help even though i didnt want too. had a real weird feeling mid afternoon (took my meds at 8am) had a rush through my whole body of a burning sensation, though i was gona have a massive panic attack but i didnt, tried to stay calm and it just went through the whole of my body and out through my toes, have never felt anything like it before, have been on prozac and seroxat in past. I'm concerned bout taking my tablet tomorrow morning incase the side affects worsen, if they stay like today then i'll cope with them.
I have suffered with depression and anxiety and severe panic attacks for 19 years, managed to stay off AD for 3 years just about, had my son, hes now 3. Just lately my panic attacks have been horrendous and the anxiety is very heightened, can hardley get past the front door without the shaking and can hardley breathe, so when went to see gp was happy to try something new, must admit was very nervous and anxious when heard of all the side affects, i know how bad it was getting on prozac so just trying to think that in a few weeks will all be ok....i hope! just so good to hear everyone elses points of views and how all getting on, dont feel so alone.
See how my night sleep goes and fill you all in in the morning.
Hope you all have a decent sleep :roflmao: :roflmao:

01-05-09, 23:56
hi im new to this site, i started on citalepram 4 weeks ago, i felt sick for about 2 weeks but not really having any side effects from them now. so hopefully you will be feeling better in couple of weeks.

02-05-09, 00:30
Hello and welcome to NMP , lots of help advice and understanding members , glad you found the site , if you look in the forum , you will find advice on citralopram under medications , hope you feel abit better soon , take care ,:welcome: Dusky x

02-05-09, 13:39
thank you for your advice and welcoming. I had an ok night, woke up feeling very anxious, so decided to half my tablet and just take 10mg, am seeing my doctor weds so will let her know, i'm sure it must be better to have low dosage first. I have kept busy all day so far, just feel very nauseas but am drinking loadsa water and eating every four hours, even though i dont wana eat! Got headache aswell, but hey ho thats nothing if can stop my anxiety and panics. Damn things take over your life. Glad michelledf82 that you are feeling better and your side affects have gone away, thats good. Will keep coming on here cos it really helps and want to see how everyone is coping and getting on. take care all xx

02-05-09, 17:18
Hi , Happy to hear you had a reasonably good sleep , yes thats good your eating every four hours and drinking lots of water , i can see your helping yourself as much as you can well done :flowers: yes do let us know how you are getting on , hope you feel abit better soon , take care , Dusky x

02-05-09, 18:18
Hi Freedom,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I think you should always start on the lowest dose moving up with these meds. I had horrific headaches starting out too. Hope you feel better soon. Glad you found us, you are not alone!

Take care,


02-05-09, 18:28
freedom thats fine to half the dose for a while to build you up slowly, the first time i took citalepram i started on 10mg then increased it after month or 2. just explain to your dr how your feeling. im new to this site last night, not really sure what to expect from it yet but need something to keep me going. hope to chat again soon.

03-05-09, 09:47
Hi everyone, thanks so much for your responses again, so nice to have advice and friendliness on here.
My night wasnt so good last night, kept having the feelings like i was going to have a panic attack, must have happened about 20 times but it never actually went into one! i also woke up with a start in the middle of night, weird dream.....also my husband said i was very fidgety!
Anyway have got up with my 3 year old had breky and my 10mg, then got in shower and am trying to keep busy again, this seems to help me, i am quite shaky today and nausea but can cope with that, was so tired yest afternoon i fell sleep on sofa bout 6ish for half hour.
Thank you for saying its ok to halve my tablet cos have been anxious wot the doctor mite say, but i'm sure she'll understand, i've suffered with these for long enough to know what i am doing....i think!
I am going to try and go out today, have been putting it off, this is why have started on meds cos i was getting to the point that i didnt wana go out and thats no good at all especially when i have a very lively 3 year old. Its weird but i do feel like my head has cleared, my eyes feel awake for the first time in ages, hope that makes sense, i knew i was also getting down but thought i'd try and cope by myself, but the anxiety was taking over, i have alot of things i need to cope with regarding family etc so have to be ok.
This really helps just to write it all down and know that you're going to get a response, best thing i've done is join on here.
Please everyone who is starting on meds try not to worry (i know how hard that is cos i was soooo anxious, especially trying a new drug) because i'm sure it'll come right in the end, even if the one you're on doesnt suit you there are plenty out there.....dont give up.
Look forward to replys, thanks everyone :)

03-05-09, 09:49
freedom thats fine to half the dose for a while to build you up slowly, the first time i took citalepram i started on 10mg then increased it after month or 2. just explain to your dr how your feeling. im new to this site last night, not really sure what to expect from it yet but need something to keep me going. hope to chat again soon.
Hi Michelle,
How are you today, thanks so much for your reply, i think this site is going to be a godsend, so good to know that other people are out there that feel the same and the advice is great. Take care

03-05-09, 09:54
Hi Freedom,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I think you should always start on the lowest dose moving up with these meds. I had horrific headaches starting out too. Hope you feel better soon. Glad you found us, you are not alone!

Take care,

Hi, thanks alot for your response, yes my headache was bad yest think that made me tired and thats why i fell asleep, had 2 paracetamol, seemed to help abit. Its still with me today, will see how goes before take paracetamol again, like i say i'd rather have that than a major panic!
How long have you been on the citalopram?

04-05-09, 10:19
hello im on citalopram and my therapist told me to take them at nite as they are a sedative

04-05-09, 19:53
Hi everyone, day 5 for me on citalopram!

Hope you are all doing ok? I had an ok night last night, i listened to a relaxing cd and fell asleep, just woke up couple times but didnt feel panicky at all, which is amazing!

Today has been ok, felt very tired and had lower tummy pains and just abit wuzzy but thats all today, my little boy fell asleep this aft so me and hubby had kip too so that helped. I'm still taking 10mg until see doc on weds, so pleased decided to do that cos not suffering too much with side effects, to be honest i think its the best antidepressant i've been on for side effects, and have been on prozac and seroxat, mind you started both them on 20mg.
I felt extremley nausesas yesterday but made myself eat something and it really helped, also i went to tescos with hubby and little boy and was fine, really pleased with myself.
My advice for people starting this antidepressant is to start on a low dose and eat and drink plenty even if you dont feel like it, i think that has really helped, i also eat my breky before taking tablet and have taken it at the same time every morning.
Take care all xxx

04-05-09, 19:56
hello im on citalopram and my therapist told me to take them at nite as they are a sedative

Hi, i've been taking them for 5 days now and have been taking them in the morning and dont find it too bad, i wouldnt say they sedate you just make me feel tired but thinking that will subside after a few weeks, suppose it depends what dosage you're on, i only take 10mg at the moment.
Let me know how you get on. take care x